Identify the gender of skeletal remains

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133596918

Please help! Please write in original and simple words, please!

1. Explain what a "sesamoid bone" is and which bone that you have learned is considered the largest sesamoid bone in the body.

2. Imagine you are a forensic scientist who must identify the gender of skeletal remains. WHICH bones might you use to identify the gender and HOW would you use them?

3. Give one example of where you would find a condyloid joint in the body.

4. What does it mean when it says that a joint is "uniaxial" or "biaxial"?

5. What are the major functions of the axon, dendrite and myelin sheath?

6. Name the two "humors" of the eye and describe their locations.

7. Describe the function of proprioceptors.

Reference no: EM133596918

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