Reference no: EM131783035
Part 1: The Jim Twins
In 1979, Jim Springer and his identical twin brother, Jim Lewis, were reunited after thirtydash-nine years apart. Separated five weeks after birth, they were adopted by different families in Ohio. When University of Minnesota psychologist Thomas Bouchard, Jr., heard the story, he invited the open double quote"Jim Twins close double quote" to take part in the ongoing research program dubbed the Minnesota Twin Studies. What Bouchard and his colleagues found was astonishing. Not only did both Jims have the same first name, but they both married women named Linda, divorced, and married women named Betty. Springer named his oldest son Allan; Lewis named his James Alan. In their childhood, both had dogs named Toy and both like math but hated spelling.
As adults, both men were deputy sheriffs, pumped gas, and worked for McDonald's. Both drank Miller Lite beer, chain
Dash-smoked Salem cigarettes, chewed their fingernails, spent vacations on the same Florida beach, and enjoyed stockdash-car racing and wooddash-working. In fact, Springer and Lewis had even built similar benches in their backyards. Additional similarities were revealed in their medical histories. Both men gained and lost ten pounds at about the same age, both started to experience severe headaches at eighteen, and both suffered what seemed like a heart attack.long dash-Kassin, Saul. Psychology. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, 1997. 364.
1. Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea that should be included in a summary?
A. The open double quote"Jim Twins close double quote" will continue to live identical lives.
B. The open double quote"Jim Twins,close double quote" identical twins who were raised apart, were discovered to have many similarities.
C. The open double quote"Jim Twinsclose double quote" were studied in Minnesota.
D. All twins have similar medical histories.
2. Which of the following statements would be most important to include in a summary?
A. They grew up in Ohio.
B. In their childhood, they both had dogs named Toy.
C. Lewis named his son James Alan.
D. The Jim Twins were identical twins who were reunited after thirty-nine years apart.
3. Which is the best summary?
A. In the book Psychology, Saul Kassin describes the case of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis, identical twins who were reunited after thirtyDash-nine years apart. They were part of a research study called the Minnesota Twin Studies. Despite spending their lives apart, the two Jims shared many similarities, including names, jobs, likes, dislikes, and medical histories.
B. University of Minnesota psychologist Thomas Bouchard, Jr. invited the open double quote"Jim Twinsclose double quote" to take part in the Minnesota Twin Studies. What Bouchard and his colleagues found was astonishing.
C. Despite spending their lives apart, Jim Springer and Jim Lewis shared many similarities, including names, jobs, likes, dislikes, and medical histories.
D. In the book Psychology, Saul Kassin describes the case of Jim Springer and Jim Lewis.
4. Writers working on research papers often read abstracts of source articles. An abstract is the author's summary of the source. With most articles, the abstract appears at the beginning of the article; it may also be published as part of a condensed database of research. Reading an abstract helps writers
A. to save effort because they can copy the abstract into their research paper.
B. to decide if they should read all or most of the source article for their research.
C. to save time because they never have to read any source article in its entirety.
D. to decide if they should contact the author of the source article before reading it.
5. Sixth Sense
Have you ever seen the movie The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis and Haley Osment? The movie really hit home with me, because at the early age of 5 or 6 I started caring deeply for the lives of animals. Living in the country, we always had animalslong dash-hunting dogs, cats that were cruelly open double quote"dropped off,close double quote" chickens, and even a pet squirrel. Any creature that got into our house
long dash-by mistake or on purpose, I would rescue and set free instead of harming it. I cannot comprehend squashing a harmless bug because it is the quickest way to rid oneself of it.
I remember, at a tender age trying to nurse a frail kitten that had been terribly mistreated back to life. I still have images in my mind of a cat that had been killed and hung in a tree for deer dogs to bark at. I often lay awake at night and pray for a dog that I saw shot by a Louisiana State Trooper in Riverton, Louisianalong dash-just for target practice. Twentydash-five years later, I can still hear the dog howl in agony because that bullet did not kill it. An hour or so after the shooting, someone living at the Riverton Camp Grounds placed a gun to the dog's head and put him to his final cry. The sound of the rifle, the heartDash-wrenching cry of pain from the dog, and then the shot from the pistol, still haunt my heart today. A quarter of a century later, I still weeplong dash-I still pray. What is my prayer? I pray that Jesus took this animal to heaven and that someday I can tell this four Dash-legged friend that I am sorry I did not help it.
long dash
-Duke, L. Irene.
open double quote"Sixth Sense.close double quote" L. Irene Duke and Emily Moore. The Prentice Hall TASP Study Guide for Reading.Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 2004. 49.
5. Which of the following sentences best expresses the main point of the reading?
A. The sound of the rifle, the heart dash -wrenching cry of pain from the dog, and then the shot from the pistol, still haunt my heart today.
B. Have you ever seen the movie The Sixth Sense with Bruce Willis and Haley Osment?
C. I remember, at a tender age, trying to nurse a frail kitten that had been terribly mistreated, back to life.
D. I started caring deeply for the lives of animals.
6. What is a summary?
A. the most important key words from an original source
B. a list of sources cited in a paper
C. a complete rewrite of the author's material
D. a brief recap of the author's main points
7. To accurately write a summary you must
A. understand the main points of the reading.
B. use your own words to explain the reading.
C. mention the name of the original text and the author.
D. do all of these things
8. Summary writing is important since you will use it
A. only in English composition courses.
B. in most college courses and in the workforce.
C. only when applying for a job.
D. only when you don't understand a source.
9. Writing a summary of a textbook chapter is a good way to
A. review the main points of the chapter.
B. defend your own values and morals.
C. show how you agree or disagree with an author.
D. copy the text word-for-word for your instructor.
10 When you summarize an essay, what should you do first?
A. Write down your opinion of the topic.
B. Read the original reading passage several times and highlight the main points.
C. Look for sentences to copy directly from the original reading passage.
D. You should do all of these things.
Par 2
1. Well-Balanced Meals in Schools
Many schools have started trying to bring nutritious meals to their cafeterias. While a step in the right direction, these measures have not gone far enough because our nation's children still suffer from obesity.
Before reforms, school lunches used to include vegetables and fruits only once a week. Most schools served junk food such as hamburgers and pizza often. When people realized that childhood obesity was getting worse, schools started to focus more on healthful dishes like sandwiches and started serving vegetables three days a week. This change helped with the childhood obesity problem, as shown in the following graph:
School lunches still have room for improvement. Schools should serve fruits and vegetables every day and should completely cut out junk food except as a special treat. We need to keep making school lunches well balanced to give our children a healthy future.
1. If a person reads this passage and questions its arguments and assumptions, that person is reading
A. critically.
B. passively.
C. quickly.
D. with a negative attitude.
2.A person is previewing this passage as part of active reading.
Identify the best question the person can ask about the image in this passage when previewing the material.
A. Have I made this kind of image before?
B. What is the general meaning of this image?
C. How many other images like this have I seen?
D. Do I know how to make this kind of image?
3. Identify the term from the passage that has a negative connotation.
A. vegetables
B. junk food
C. sandwiches
D. Meals
4.Identify the type of argument the author used in this passage.
A. prejudice
B. belief
C. fact
D. Opinion
5. Identify the explicit argument in this passage.
A. Children like to eat vegetables.
B. School lunches need to be more nutritious in order to prevent obesity.
C. School children will enjoy eating nutritious meals instead of junk food.
D. Serving healthful food instead of junk food will be cheaper for the schools.
6. Identify what the word critical means when people talk about critical thinking, critical reading, and critical writing.
A. negative and insulting
B. unquestioning and accepting
C. innocent and passive
D. skeptical and creative
7. Identify the first step of critical reading for a passage.
A. reading for comprehension
B. summarizing a text in one's own words
C. writing a critical response to a passage
D. questioning the assumptions in the passage
8. In order to think critically about a passage, people should
A. focus on the dictionary meanings of words.
B. evaluate the author's tone and use of language.
C. ignore the author's tone and use of language.
D. try not to think about how the author's tone affects the message of the passage.
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Arguments are usually statements of opinion, fact, belief, or prejudice. Identify the opinion.
A. a judgment that is based on insufficient evidence
B. a statement that people can prove as true or false
C. a judgment based on facts
D. statistics from a reliable source
10.Identify the meaning of an explicit message, idea, or argument in a text or image.
A. what the reader thinks about a text or image
B. what the creator of the text or image actually says or shows
C. the hidden messages in a text or image
D. a message, idea, or argument that is quoted from another source.