Identify the final culprit and how it was discovered

Assignment Help Public Economics
Reference no: EM131161732

Blue Men Worksheet

1. Draw a timeline marking the time each of the 11 blue men presented symptoms. Explain the point of mapping out the incident timeframe (i.e. why would epidemiologists need this information and how would it be used)

2. Describe the key symptoms and incubation period for the illness affecting the eleven blue men.

3. Describe each step of an outbreak investigation as it pertains to this particular event, indicating all of the key points in the investigation (include how it started, why epidemiologists got involved, where did the investigation take the epidemiologists, who was interviewed, what/who were the potential culprits identified during the investigation)

4. Identify three questions that Dr. Greenberg and Dr. Pellitteri asked the patients. Explain why these three questions were relevant.

5. Identify three questions that the epidemiologists asked the Eclipse Cafeteria employees. Explain why these three questions were relevant.

6. Identify the final culprit and how it was discovered.

7. Explain why were these specific men more affected than other people who ate in the cafeteria?

Reference no: EM131161732

Questions Cloud

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