Identify the ethical dilemma

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133656388

Case Study:

Tammi is a 75-year-old female who was admitted to the hospital's inpatient unit with a right CVA this morning. OT and PT are treating her. You are helping the OT with the initial evaluation as Tammi is a moderate assistance transfer of two for safety. The patient is impulsive, has poor attention, insight, and judgment, has a left visual field neglect, general weakness in her left arm and leg, poor balance, and poor motor control. The patient tells the OT her goal is to resume her role as an elementary school bus driver as soon as possible because that is her source of income. She would also like to return to her apartment on the 3rd level of a low-income apartment building with no elevator. The OT explains to Tammi that she will most likely need to go to a nursing home for extensive rehabilitation. Tammi forcefully disagrees with that suggestion. She tells the OT to write her goals for independent living because she is going home!

Framework for Ethical Decision-Making

1. Identify the ethical dilemma of the case study

What is the nature of the problem?
Who are the players?
What information is known, and what additional information is needed to thoroughly evaluate the situation and formulate options?
What resources are available to assist?

2. Identify at least one appropriate Principles and Standards of Conduct and describe how it relates to the problem (Code of Ethics p.8-13).

3. Describe the ethical and legal solutions and ramifications of the problem.

Describe at least two options and the likely consequences of each option.

4. Take action.

What action would you pick and why? How would you defend your action?

Remember, "Good intentions do not always bring about good deeds" (Rest, 1979)

Reference no: EM133656388

Questions Cloud

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