Identify the end goal of your social influence

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131293561 , Length: 12

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained through your readings, along with your personal experience, to implement a persuasive communication strategy. First, determine a social influence goal that you have in mind that involves persuasive communication. You must target at specific group of people, a specific community, region, or country with a persuasive message. Based on your knowledge of persuasive communication, choose a media strategy to implement your persuasive communication. If you have previously designed a persuasion campaign, I would like you to choose a social influence goal that you have not written about in any previous class.

Paper Outline:

Identify the end goal of your social influence. Explain who you are trying to persuade and exactly what are you trying to persuade them about. Are your targeting an attitude, a belief, a value, a behavior, or a combination of these?

Explain how you plan to achieve this goal. You should clearly employ one or more of the social influence principles that you have learned. Whatever principle or principles that you use, provide an appropriate literature review of others who have used and studied the same principle(s).

Determine what media you are going to use. Since the focus of our class is on social influence through media, then some form of media must be central to your plan. That doesn't mean that interpersonal communication channels can't be a part of your plan; but that media should be central.

In the last section of your paper, explain how you plan to assess how effective your persuasive communication is given the goal or goals that you set. How will you know if you are effective? Based on your readings of many other persuasion studies, make a plan to study the effects of what you will do and describe it in this last section of the paper.

Paper Characteristics:

Your paper should be from 12 pages (masters' degree students) which includes references .Use 12-point Times Romans font, double-spaced, with standard margins. Use the APA Manual, 6th edition, to format the paper properly. This is the most common style manual for the field of communication study.

Reference no: EM131293561

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