Reference no: EM132741002
Tommy Chemical Company is a Kshs. 50 million company that was founded in 1980. It manufactures and markets over 400 chemicals, fibres and plastics for5, 300 customers across the world. Tommy products show up in a wide variety of consumer goods such as bottles, bread and other foods, coatings, flooring materials and window cleaners' aspirin, computer diskettes and hundreds more.
Meeting customer needs with high quality products and services has always been important to Tommy Chemical Company. In the late 1990s, the company lost market share of a major product and begun searching for a new way of doing the year 2000 the company reviewed its focus on customers. Tommy gradually developed its quality management values and processes. Along the way it used Baldrige Award Criteria for self-assessment and sought advice Examination Irregularity is punishable by expulsion Page 2 of 3 from quality management experts and Baldrige award winners. Today quality management principles and techniques are woven throughout the company's business activities. Teams are well established at Tommy and are viewed by executives as the most effective means to execute the company quality strategy. There exists a network of interlocking teams led by virtually all employees in the team and quality improvement processes. Each team uses company's quality and anticipates of both internal and external customers to define key processes and measures and to continually improve.
Tommy encourages innovation and provides structured way to link ideas or new products with corporate business plans. Through the Tommy innovation process, a team of employees from various areas, such as manufacturing, sales, research and engineering shepherds a product idea from inception to market. Customer needs are considered early and then validated and revalidated. In 2002, Tommy Chemical Company averaged 23 percent of sales from a new product commercialized within the last five years.
Identify the elements of total quality management (TQM) in Tommy Chemical Company
Explain any five Total Quality Management principles that Tommy Chemical Company could be using showing how they can be enhanced.
As a TQM expert advice the management of Tommy on any five human resource management policies and practices that are critical to the success of TQM programmes.