Reference no: EM133657938
Assignment: Accounting Business Research Methods- Business Administration
Question I: Identify three potential research problems of interest in your area of specialization.
1. The impact of macroeconomic fluctuations in stock market returns in Chicago
2. The effect of capital structure on the financial performance of some selected firms in Chicago precisely Chicago.
3. The importance of tax planning schemes to firms in Chicago. (A case of Community Waterand Sanitation Agency)
Question II: Write possible research objectives and questions for each of the above research problems.
Answer for the first research problem, we can have possible research objectives
1. Examine the effect of changes in exchange rates on stock market returns in Chicago
2. Evaluate the correlation that exists between inflation rate and the prices of shares for various companies on the stock market in Chicago
Possible Research Questions
1. What is the effect of changes in exchange rates on stock market returns in Chicago?
2. What's the correlation that exists between inflation rate and the prices of shares for various companies on the stock market in Chicago?
For the second research problem, we can have possible research objectives
1. Evaluate the extent to which Equity/Debt ratio affects the financial performance of some Kumasi based entities in Chicago
2. Examine the role that short term debts play in firms' overall financial performance in terms of debt management.
Possible Research Questions
1. To what extent does Equity/Debt ratio affect the financial performance of some Chicago based entities in Chicago?
2. What role do short term debts play in firms' overall financial performance in terms of debt management?
The third research problem, we can have possible research objectives
1. Identify the different types of tax avoidance schemes
2. Examine the effect of thin capitalization on the financial statement of firms in Chicago
Possible Research Questions
1. What are the different types of tax avoidance schemes?
2. What is the effect of thin capitalization in the financial statement of firms in Chicago?