Identify the different nonverbal cues

Assignment Help Case Study
Reference no: EM131484317

Part -1:

Your Assignment relates to chapter 4" Communications Skills" Case Study.

Please make sure that you read the chapter thoroughly and then read the Case 4.2 "Financial Services" in page 135, and answer the following questions related to the case.

Your answers must be written (APA) format (font style and size, margins, spacing and referencing).

Please submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, a references page and do not forget to references your in-text.

Your writing content must be at least 300 words per question

Case: STAGA Financial Services


Bart Waits, account manager for Data Intelligence, LLC, arrived just a few minutes early for his 9:00 A.M. meeting with Kerri Williams, director of purchasing for STAGA Financial Services. This was his first in-person call at STAGA, and he had flown in explicitly for this meeting to present his proposal for a data-mining software package that would be used by the client's IT department. Upon arrival, Waits did the obligatory check-in with the receptionist in the main lobby. After contacting the purchasing office, the receptionist informed him that they would be right down to escort him to Williams' office. About 12 minutes later, Williams' executive assistant entered the lobby and advised Waits that she would escort him to the office where they would be meeting. The executive assistant was friendly and open and provided Waits with a fresh cup of coffee just before taking him into Williams' office.

Current Situation

Upon entering the large and well-furnished office, Waits noticed that the layout was a bit different than he had expected. Williams was sitting behind a large walnut executive desk that was located at an angle in one corner and faced toward the opposite wall of windows. No guest chairs were located adjacent to the desk. Rather, the chairs were set some 10 to 12 feet from the desk, adjacent to a small table, and facing the desk. In another area of the room, there was a worktable with several chairs pulled up to it.

Williams was on the phone as Waits entered and signaled for him to go ahead and be seated. It was obvious that the conversation was drawing to a close, and she made eye contact and smiled at him once or twice to acknowledge his presence. When the phone call was over, she popped up from the desk and walked over to meet him. While shaking hands, each of them introduced themselves, and she mentioned that he should address her as Kern. She apologized for being on the phone and inquired about his flight. After some small talk, Waits trans-honed into his presentation by first outlining the needs as specified in STAGA's original Request for Proposals (REP). As Waits provided many additional details beyond those in the REP, Williams smiled and looked him in the eye as she shifted her chair closer to the table and commented that it was apparent that he had clone his homework on the company.

Several times during his presentation, she placed her hand on her cheek and shifted forward to ask numerous questions. Although sparingly, she also took notes at several points of his presentation. Waits appointment was for one and one-half hours, and he figured that he would need every minute of it. However, about 50 minutes into the meeting he noticed that Williams would glance at her watch occasionally. After making a major point and demonstrating several significant benefits to STAGA, he noticed that Williams uncrossed her legs and leaned forward with her glasses on the tip of her nose as she began asking him a series of questions about his software package.


1. Identify the different nonverbal cues that the buyer was providing to Waits.

2. If you were in Waits' place, how would you have interpreted and responded to these different nonverbal cues?

Part -2:

Your Assignment relates to chapter 6 " Planning Sales Dialogues and Presentation" Case Study.

Please make sure that you read the chapter thoroughly and then read the Case 6.1 "The New Salesperson" in page 180, and answer the following questions related to the case.

Your answers must be written (APA) format (font style and size, margins, spacing and referencing). Please submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, a references page and do not forget to reference your in-text. Your writing content must be at least 300 words per question.

Case : The New Salesperson

Lon Taylor has been working fly three months for a large chemical company that sells fertilizers to farm co-ops and distributors. He has just completed his training and is ready to go into the field. He has been taught how to gather precall information and prepare for his presentation. He has targeted his biggest distributor for his first call. The appointment has been set; he is ready to go in for a fact-finding call and hopefully some preliminary talk about one of his new products that has been launched in the past two weeks. Taylor is calling on Perry Martin, general manager of the distributorship. Taylor was in for a big surprise. Martin greeted Taylor with, "I've been waiting for you, follow me." Taylor followed Martin out to the warehouse where he directed Taylor attention to three large pallets of Taylor products. The top pallet was leaking chemicals all over the pallets below and onto the floor. Martin went on to complain that he'd called the 800 number service hotline three times trying to get someone out to take care of the mess. This totally caught Taylor off guard.


1. What should Taylor do now?

2. Taylor has a well-prepared presentation on his new product that he wants to give. What should he do about this information gathering call?

Part -3:

Your Assignment relates to chapter 8 " Addressing Concerns and Earning Commitment" Case Study.

Please make sure that you read the chapter thoroughly and then read the Case 8.1 "Sales Ethics" in page 231, and answer the following questions related to the case.

Your answers must be written (APA) format (font style and size, margins,spacing and referencing).

Please submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, a references page and do not forget to reference your in-text. Your writing content must be at least 300 words per question.

Case: Thompson Engineering

Tyler Houston sells for Thompson Engineering. He has been calling on Hudson Distributors for close to two years. Over the course of 15 calls, he has sold them nothing to date. He thinks that he is extremely close to getting an order. Houston knows that Hudson is happy with its present supplier, but he is aware that they have received some late deliveries. Tom Harris, Hudson's senior buyer, has given every indication that he likes Houston s products and Houston.

During Houston's most recent call, Harris told him that he'd have to have a couple of weeks to go over Houston's proposal. Harris really didn't have any major objections during the presentation. Houston knows his price, quality, and service are equal to or exceed Hudson's present supplier.


1. Harris told Houston that he needed a couple of weeks to think about his proposal. How should Houston handle this?

2. What should Houston have done during the sales presentation when Harris told him that he needed to think it over?

3. What techniques should Houston have used to overcome the forestalling tactic?

Part -4:

Your Assignment relates to chapter 10 "Adding Value: Self-Leadership and Teamwork" Case Study. Please make sure that you read the chapter thoroughly and then read the Case

10.2 "Mark Cassidy and Milligan Adhesives Corporation" in page 294, and answer the following questions related to the case. Your answers must be written (APA) format (font style and size. margins,spacing and referencing).

Please submit a cover page, each question in a page by itself, a references page and do not forget to reference your in-text. Your writing content must be at least 300 words per question.

Case: Mark Cassidy and Milligan

Adhesives Corporation

Mark Cassidy has just graduated and taken a job as a sales representative for the Milligan Adhesives Corporation, a supplier of adhesives used in the construction and manufacturing industries. Cassidy's west Dallas territory is full of opportunity, and like many new salespeople, Cassidy is finding it difficult to get everything done that needs his attention. The Daily Time and Activity Log on the following page is an actual day copied from Cassidy's records that he thinks is typical. Analyze Cassidy Time and Activity Log.


1. What problems do you find?

2. What suggestions could you make to help Cassidy make better use of his selling time?

Verified Expert

A hypothetical graph of the State Department’s influence through history would have its obvious high points — William Seward serving as Lincoln’s confidant and advisor, George Marshall rebuilding Europe after World War II, James Baker organizing a global coalition in the first Gulf War and consolidating post-Cold War Europe — but fewer of late. With the rise of large, permanent defense and intelligence bureaucracies after World War II, and the more recent increase in size and stature of the National Security Council begun under Henry Kissinger and expanded since, State’s role is ever more constrained. Its regional and thematic policy experts are often muscled out of big decisions by other parts of the executive branch.

Reference no: EM131484317

Questions Cloud

Define prospects for economic growth : How does microfi nance alter prospects for economic growth? The distribution of political power?
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Can poor nations develop without substantial increases : Can poor nations develop without substantial increases in agricultural productivity? (See Figure) How?
Deregulation focus on to address ethical issues : What areas of concern would you like to see regulation/deregulation focus on to address ethical issues in business at systemic level?
Identify the different nonverbal cues : Identify the different nonverbal cues that the buyer was providing to Waits - If you were in Waits' place, how would you have interpreted and responded to these different nonverbal cues?
Leader that explore the issues of structure : Looking for around 10 interview questions to ask a leader that explore the issues of structure, learning, and performance with in a high performing learning.
Assess the effectiveness of starbucks management decisions : Suggest the key elements of Starbucks' organizational culture that contributes to its success in a global economy.
What share of taxes should the rich pay : What share of taxes should the rich pay (see Figure).
Reconfigurable functional organization : 3-4 pages on single-business strategy types, the reconfigurable functional organization, and network organization design.



5/26/2017 5:40:42 AM

Dear Expertsmind, Thank you for your superb client service. I have been exceptionally impressed to date not just with the rate of reaction to my messages, additionally with the nature of work delivered. I appreciate your criticism and anticipate the landing of the example papers. Much obliged.


5/26/2017 5:38:34 AM

Kindly check Pages 2 , 4, 6 and 9 It's all the assignment in the attached email with instructions on each case study I made copy of the case study all questions. But, I also sent instructions on what questions needed to be answered on each specific case. 4.2 has 1 questions that need to be answered 300 words per question. Only 1 question 1) identify the different nonverbal cues that the buyer was providing to waits. 6.1 Questions 1 & 2 the one that says QUESTIONs 8.1 Question 1, 2 & 3 the one that says questions 10.2 Questions 1 & 2 the one that says questions Total 8 questions @ 300 words each Need to attempt in bold says QUESTIONs

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