Reference no: EM132216831
Project - hotel Radisson Blue
Need the project in PPT of 20 slides.
Aim of the Assessment
The aim of this assessment ist to reinforce key concepts by identifying the strategic position, establish the current strategic choices made, evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy employed in relation to the strategic position and make recommendations to improve the strategic competitiveness of the business on the basis of common strategic models and theories.
Learning Outcomes
1. Establish the strategic position of a typical hospitality organization on the basis of environmental, industry and capability analysis theories and models.
2. Identify the current strategic choices made based on relevant strategy theories shared in class.
3. Evaluate the success the strategy employed by conducting a EVR/ SAFe analysis
4. Recommend or reinforce the strategic direction on the basis of either EVR congruence, resource based, market driven view and/or business life cycle theories.
5. Gain presentation skills and practical experience in the application of methods presented.
Assessment Brief
The Assessment is presentation type and will be submitted in presentation format. The presentation will take place in class following the date of submission of your presentation in moodle. The actual presentation will be maximum 20 minutes per group.
Assessment Details
In this assessment, you are required as a group, to...
... Analyze an organization's activities, environment in order to develop recommended strategies.
... For the selected company, use the tools and frameworks presented in the course and research the internet (do not contact any person in the company) to:
- Introduce the Company
- Briefly analyze the business environment;
- Identify its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats;
- Identify its current competitive advantages; and
- Summarize the company's current strategies;
- Recommend future strategies and define how they could/should be implemented.
- Indicate on each slide, who prepared and will present it.
Word Count
Maximum 25 slides in length (not including title page, table of content and reference list), with notes (maximum 3500 words).
Presentation Layout
Using the Century Gothic or Arial Font Style, Point Size12 and 1.5 Line Spacing. The paper should be written and of academic standard, meaning that
- Avoid use of unsubstantiated opinion, ground ideas in experience or reference accepted authorities or published research. Wikipedia is not an accepted publication.
- Do not use colloquialisms or journalistic style.
- Minimize describing instead develop your analysis and argument by displaying thoroughness and rigor.
- Follow standards for referencing and acknowledging sources.
- Write your paper, as commonly used, in the third person
To maximize the Group effort the following guidelines are provided:
Each member of the Group will be expected to contribute equally; marks will be based on the whole group effort on submitting presentation prior to class and presenting the findings in class.
The study group is expected to operate, as a team with all members of the group will score marks based on their contribution.
Select an International hospitality chain, from Europe to use as your case. This should be a for-profit company that is well known to all group members. It is very important that the group can gain access to good information about the organization's activities.
- Discuss how you will operate as a team and share the workload amongst members (a division of labor is appropriate but you need to pull the work together as a team and each part needs to reflect a consensus position that has to be well integrated).
- Collect general and background information of the company on the internet only.
- Identify the strategic position based on an environmental, industry and capability analysis
- Identify the company's key stakeholders, what they actually contribute to the strategy, what they expect from the company and define what the company expects from them.
- Identify the company's strategic intent and strategic mission and vision.
- Assess the effects of the company's general environment and probable changes therein on the company's present and future competitive strategies.
- Assess the effects of the company's competitive environment and possible changes therein on the company's present and future competitive strategies.
- Assess the effects of the company's current internal environment on the company's present and future competitive strategies.
- Summarize all of your information and develop draft recommendations about what the group believes the company should do in the next five years.
The Group Presentation should contain:
Title Page
Includes Title of Assignment, Full Names of Student, Student Number, Course Code and Name, Lecturer's Name, Date of Submission, Word Count (excluding title page, table of content, references).
Table of Contents
Include Subtitles and Page Numbers
State the aim and purpose. Introduce topics that will be discussed with key arguments. State your approach how the arguments are addressed. A brief description of the selected company. A brief outline of its current products and services and the markets in which it operates.
A brief summary of what the group concludes are the main strategic issues confronting the company, and
- a brief summary of the experience and expertise within the group and how the workload is being shared equitably between the members.
- Use graphs and tables as appropriate
Establish the Strategic position
Use common tools such as PEST, PESTEL, SCEPTICAL, STEEPLE, STEP, etc to establish the current macro-environment with relevance to the industry. Establish the industry attractiveness using Porter's theories and link those as appropriate to macro environmental issues.
Establish the competitors' strengths and weaknesses in relation to key competitors and identify opportunities and threats based on the macro- environment analysed.
Apply the concept of VRIO to identify and establish areas of key competences and capabilities and their degree of competitive advantage based on SWOT, Industry and Macro Analysis.
Identify the Current Strategy
Use SBU, generic and interactive strategies, corporate level strategies, business life cycle and any other theory and strategic model or tool to establish the current strategy employed.
Evaluate the Current Strategy
Prepare a gap analysis to identify gaps between the strategic position and the strategic choices made by the company, use common strategic concepts and theories discussed in class to validate your findings
Conclusion and Recommendations
Signal the end of the presentation by summarizing your findings and make recommendations as to the strategic direction the company should pursue in the future, supported by relevant theories.
Follow the Harvard referencing guide. Reference your finding to common leadership theories. Include a reference page that lists all sources you referenced in your paper
List all resources and sources you consulted for the topics discussed but did not use in your paper as in-text reference.
Assessment Criteria
The following criteria will be used to assess the work undertaken for this assignment:
1. Evidence of the group's ability to draw effectively on theory in analyzing, describing and discussing the selected company's strategies
2. The key strategic issues facing this organization are identified and understood.
3. There is critical analysis of these issues.
4. There is logical and coherent argument leading to clear recommendations.
5. The presentation is well prepared and a clear summary of the overall findings and recommendations is provided at the end of the report.
Attachment:- Strategy evaluation.rar