Identify the critical factors that may affect the business

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131668875


Marketing Report for a company - each student has to nominate a company (the client) for this plan. (My company is Apple )

Tutor needs to approve the chosen company before the group can proceed to the next stage



This assessment is designed to apply the knowledge and skills developed by the students to evaluate external and internal environment of a company and identify new offering based on the result of environmental scanning.

Students are required to conduct a SWOT analysis, identifying the internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats of the company.

The goal of a SWOT analysis is to identify the critical factors that may affect the proposed business concept (or new product or new services) and then build on the strengths to reduce the weaknesses, exploit opportunities and avoid potential threats.

Students are also expected to identify and describe using segmenting variables, one target market being served by the nominated client and devise a brief marketing strategies.

• students need to base their marketing report on appropriate theory andother relevant current market information where possible.

• Students should support their report with the text and a minimum of FOUR (4) other academically relevant and acceptable sources.

• These may include academic journal articles, research reports and industry analyses, but groups need to be aware of the validity of sources e.g. an unsupported newspaper article may not be considered valid.

Suggested Structure of the report

Executive Summary

Section 1 : Introduction and background to the company

Section 2 : Analysis of the marketing environment (external & Internal)

Section 3 : Recommendation

a. Target Market

b. New product/new services description

c. Marketing Mix relevant strategies

Section 4 : Conclusion

Reference no: EM131668875

Questions Cloud

What is the maximum current drawn by the motor : What is the steady-state speed? What is the maximum current drawn by the motor? What is the steady-state speed when the applied voltage is 10 V?
How to allocate the looms to the fabrics : Management would like to know how to allocate the looms to the fabrics and which fabrics to buy on the market so as to minimize the cost of meeting demand.
Breakdown of equipment and changing requirements : Can scheduling systems deal with variable shop times, breakdown of equipment, changing requirements, and other uncertainties,
Review problem related to the investment strategy : J. D. Williams, Inc. is an investment advisory firm that manages more than $120 million in funds for its numerous clients. The company uses an asset allocation.
Identify the critical factors that may affect the business : Identify the critical factors that may affect the proposed business concept and then build on the strengths to reduce the weaknesses.
What potential issues could arise from this arrangement : Discuss any issues you see with this arrangement and what potential issues could arise from this arrangement.
Report the current operation situation to the boss : Analysis of potential causes of the problem - Recommendations to address the identified problem and
Historically an orthopedic physician in your practice sends : Historically an orthopedic physician in your practice sends, on average, 30 patients a month to your hospital for an MRI.
Develop an all-integer model for rolls : Develop an all-integer model that will determine how many 100-foot rolls to cut into each of the five patterns in order to meet demand and minimize trim loss.


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