Reference no: EM131212156 , Length:
Social Cultural Environment- Accenture Company
1. Perform research (minimum of 2 sources in APA format).
2. Identify the country cluster (as identified in the text) for both your Domestic and Global environments; choose different clusters.
3. Include sociocultural factors that may help and hinder the company and its operations in 2 different cluster countries.
4. Evaluate their successes and/or failures.
5. Minimum 4 complete paragraphs; a paragraph is a minimum of 100 words.
You are not limited to the below:
Global Agricultural Marketing Management: Cultural environment Chapter 3
Export Help: Socio-cultural environment
Geert Hofstede:
Fish, A. (2005). Assisting cross-border manager adjustment: Psycho-cultural and socio-cultural interventions. Personnel Review, 34(2), 225-245, located inBUSN310 campus course guide, articles.
10. Mariana, C. L., Raluca, G. I., &Gratiela, G. (2009). Culture - major determinant of the European consumer behavior. AnnalesUniversitatisApulensis: Series Oeconomica, 11(2), 1019-1024, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, articles.
11. Livermore, David. Leading with cultural intelligence: the new secret to success. New York: American Management Association, 2010. Chapters 1, 2, 4, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves.
12. Thomas, David C., and Inkson, Kerr. Cultural intelligence: Living and working globally. Williston, Vermont: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009. Chapters 1, 4, 5, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves.BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves
13. Keping, Yu; Thornton, John L.; Li, Cheng. Democracy is a good thing: Essays on politics, society, and culture in contemporary china. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution Press, 2009. Chapters 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 11, located in BUSN310 campus course guide, eReserves.
Attachment:- Business-Forum 6-Best Company The Socialcultural Environment.rar