Identify the core values most relevant to purchase and use

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131365284

1. Sony is introducing a new 27-inch TV with a picture-in-picture feature. How should the company position and advertise the product to (a) Generation X consumers, and (b) affluent baby boomers?

2. For each of the following products and activities:
a. Identify the core values most relevant to their purchase and use.

b. Determine whether these values encourage or discourage use or ownership.

c. Determine whether these core values are shifting and, if so, in what direction.

The products and activities are:

1. Donating money to charities

2. Donating blood

3. MP3 players

4. Expensive wine

5. Toothpaste

6. Diet soft drinks

7. Foreign travel

8. Suntan lotion

9. iPads

10. Products in recyclable packaging.

Reference no: EM131365284

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