Identify the components in the problem

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Reference no: EM13219658

  • For one (1) of the scenarios, identify the components in the problem.
  • Determine the questions that you would ask each component in the scenario in order to gather enough information to start working on a solution to the problem.
  • Explain from where and how you would get more information if you needed it.
  1. The president of the campus Alumni Association (who has held the one-year position for the past four years) has been having a difficult time getting enough alumni to attend the annual meetings so elections can be held and a new president elected, and she really wants to step down as president. (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007. The instructor's manual for thinking.)
  2. You have been appointed to the County Planning Commission. One of the growing small towns in the county needs a highway bypass to decrease traffic through its business district, but the only logical and most direct proposed bypass route takes it through one of the more affluent residential areas. The threat of increased traffic, congestion, and pollution has the residents of the neighborhood in an uproar, and the County Treasurer is also complaining that the proposed route might lead to a decrease in revenue for the county, since it would cause a decrease in property values in this affluent neighborhood. (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007. The instructor's manual for thinking.)
  3. Marcus and Arishonne both work to maintain the standard of living that this couple desires, but they are unable to meet the time demands of both work and domestic life. Their job demands do not leave enough time for even the most basic things, like cleaning the house, taking care of the yard, and generally maintaining their home. They have no children, and their closest relatives are over 600 miles away. (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007. The instructor's manual for thinking.)
  4. Although everything was fine five minutes ago, a secretary cannot get her computer to send a document to the printer. The document must be printed for the meeting her boss has scheduled to begin in fifteen minutes. (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007. The instructor's manual for think)

Reference no: EM13219658

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