Identify the component variables that will be evaluated

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133626875

Post Class Activity

Creating and Using Codebooks and Understanding your Data

This assignment will allow you to practice creating and using codebooks for data entry and analysis. We will be using this codebook for the rest of the semester, so you want to be sure you have a strong understanding of the data. You must complete part of this before you can move on to the activity in Module 4.3. In this assignment, you will complete some of the codebook and calculate descriptive statistics for the Distracted Driving Survey variables. If you need more help, please see the videos in Canvas (SPSS Tutorials) for an example of how to use a codebook.

Part 1: Creating and understanding your codebook

Directions: The variables collected in the Distracted Driving Survey will be used in applying the Transtheoretical Model and Health Belief Model discussed in class. These codes correlate with questions 1-11 in the Distracted Driving Survey; the remaining questions were to collect demographic characteristics of the participants in the survey. When conducting research, you always have your survey/instrument and the detailed codebook to help guide your analysis. The first step in analysis is to always have an understanding of your data. Therefore, we review descriptives of the variables, which include looking at the expected ranges and running frequencies. This is an important quality control process that helps us to find any problems with the data.

Your tasks for Part 1 of this assignment are to: 1) run the codebook command in SPSS for all of the variables. Remember, this is covered in SPSS Survival Manual, Ch. 6, "Procedure for obtaining codebook" and SPSS Assignment #2; the method to produce a codebook is: the CODEBOOK syntax command or run it from the Analyze menu > Reports submenu > Codebook. Select all of the variables from the dataset and the default options.

Part 2: Creating the Constructs - Finding Reliabilities and Creating Sum Scores

Directions: Next, we begin to manipulate the data so that we can answer our research questions. This includes recoding some variables or creating sum scores of the scales that we have used. In our case, we are using the Health Belief Model in our study. Therefore, we must use the individual variables capturing perceived severity, perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and cues to action to create the sum construct scores for each driving behavior (seat belt while driving, seat belt while passenger, text while driving, talk on the phone while driving, look at phone while driving). However, the item reliabilities for each of the constructs must be checked to ensure that all of the items will be useful in creating the sum score.

In Part 2 below, you will see the tables that are separated by the individual constructs (perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and cues to action).

Each row is a Construct Sum Score based on the different driving behaviors.
Variable - the name you will give the new variable that you will create.
Action/Variable Label - the more in-depth description of the variable that goes into the Label field in SPSS.
Computation Formula - the equation for creating the sum score. Make sure this is your final formula AFTER checking the reliabilities. Different constructs and driving behavior combinations have different number of questions/variables.
Cronbach's Alpha - this is the statistic you will use to assess the item reliability of each of the constructs. This is the value that SPSS will give you when you include all of the variables when running the Reliability procedure.
Item Removed - when reviewing the output from the Reliability procedure, you will look at the output that calculates reliability if a single item (variable) is removed. If there is at least one item that will give a higherCronbach's Alpha than the original value, then you will choose to remove the variable that will result in the highest Cronbach's Alpha. Write the variable name you will remove from the Computation Formula in this cell. If removing an item gives the same or lower Cronbach's Alpha as the original, then you will not remove any item and write "none" in this cell.
Final Cronbach's Alpha - If you choose to remove an item based on the Cronbach's Alpha, then you will write the value given from the output of what the new and higher Cronbach's Alpha will be without that item included in this cell. If you are not removing any items, then you can write "original value" in the cell.

Your tasks for Part 2 are to:

Identify the component variables that will be evaluated for each Construct and Driving Behavior combination (each row of the table). Remember that each construct and driving behavior may have a different number of items (variables) that need to be included.
Before you attempt to create the variables, you need to run Reliabilities on the component variables first. SPSS Survival Manual chapter 9 covers how to run and report Reliabilities of your scale variables.
Report the Cronbach's Alpha (4th column)
Report which variable should be removed (if any) that will result in an increase in Cronbach's Alpha (5thcolumn). You should note the variable name and the brief description of what the question was asking (last part of question in the variable label). Write "none" if removing a single item will not give an improvement over the original Cronbach's Alpha.
Report the Final value of Cronbach's Alpha if that variable is removed (6th column). If no variable is removed, then write "original value."
Fill in the final formula for calculating the new summary variables (3rd column). Make sure you use all of the corresponding variables in your formula except the one you are removing based on the reliability results.
The new summary variables names and their labels are given in the first two columns of the tables below.
You can go ahead and create the constructs now, but it is recommended you wait until after the Module 4.3 class when the reliability results will be discussed.
The seat belt use as driver and passenger constructs have been done for you already in the dataset and in the table below for examples.
The quiz for this assignment will require you to look at the table you have filled out below concerning the reliability results and frequencies of the Transtheoretical Model variables (Q#3 - ChangeStage_Text, Q#4 -Change_Stage_UsePhone, and Q#5 - ChangeStage_LkPhone)

Reference no: EM133626875

Questions Cloud

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