Identify the component of a marketing plan

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131697520

A Situational Analysis* is one component of a Marketing Plan and as such it will give you the opportunity to showcase your research and writing skills, while providing a valuable service for your internship organization.

To assist you in writing your Situation Analysis and follow each of the steps included in the Situational Analysis portion of the tutorial, except the Analysis of Financial Condition.

Please note that you will find templates for each of the sections of the Situational Analysis by clicking the right arrow underneath the Situational

Analysis outline on the webpage. In addition to providing additional information, this outline also shows how the Situational Analysis fits into the larger Marketing Plan if you left click on the arrow.

Your Situational Analysis should be researched (including citations for any references you include) and presented to your supervisor both orally and in written form (typed).

If done correctly, it should end up around 10 pages in length. Sources of data can include internal company data, interviews with management personnel, competitor analysis, customer focus groups, surveys or interviews, and physical observation.

All sources of research including books, periodicals, web sites, interviews and other research must be referenced in the text and cited in footnotes. The elements of the Situation Analysis include the following.

Situation Analysis

• Current Product(s)Focus on events and Social Media and Radio,advertisement

• Current Target Market(s)Social media, Chinese in bay area, new immigrants...ETC DO some research

• Current Distributor Network(s)

• Current Competitor(s)Skylink, KTSF, World Journal. Those are competitors.

• External Forces

• Summary

Formatting of Papers

All papers should be double-spaced with 12 pt. font. References should be cited where appropriate in the Situation Analysis. You may use any style (end notes, footnotes, etc.), as long as you are consistent throughout.

Moreover, This paper is sumarzing a person who has an experience for marketing SING TAO Daily. The marketing postion is focus on event planning and organization to have teamwork with SING Tao Radio's CO-worker.

Reference no: EM131697520

Questions Cloud

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Review case study of the petoskey company : Petoskey Company produces three products: Alanson, Boyne, and Conway. A segmented income statement, with amounts given in thousands.
Identify the component of a marketing plan : A Situational Analysis is one component of a Marketing Plan and as such it will give you the opportunity to showcase your research.
Cells and cancer and mitosis and meiosis : Note: Online students, please respond to one (1) of the following three (3) bulleted items.
What are some examples of genetic drift : What are some examples of genetic drift? How can you prevent or slow down the spread and further the selection of new antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria?
Articles about evaluating of informatiom systems : You need to provide some articles about evaluating of informatiom systems with their refreances from the period 2011 to 2017
Disucss the difference beteen osteoporosis and osteopenia : Disucss the difference beteen osteoporosis and osteopenia. Does one led to the other? What can be done to mitigate the effects of both?


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