Reference no: EM131735143
Use the Department of Labor's website to find reports from the SCANS commission (Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills). Find the report entitled "What Work Requires of Schools." Identify the competencies necessary for effective job performance. What foundational skills underlie these competencies? Using your own employer, or that of a friend or family member, interview a manager, trainer, or human resource representative of the company.
From the DOL's website answer the following:
1. Identify the competencies necessary for effective job performance.
2. Discuss the foundational skills that underlie these competencies.
From your interview answer the following:
1. Explain the extent he or she believes that the employees at the company they work for possesses the five competencies.
2. What competencies are most strongly represented in their work force?
3. What competencies are the weakest in their work force?
Your answer should be prepared using Microsoft Word, be at least 300 words, and be sure to cite all the sources used according to APA format.