Identify the companys critical success factors

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM132115916

In groups of three or four, you will be required to conduct research on Information Systems for your client. Your team is required to pick a case company in one of the areas mentioned below (not limited to). Develop a proposal for a new information system for your client (NOT more than 3,500 words) detailing the requirements listed below. The proposal will help your client to make informed decision for investment in information system and to take their business to the next level.

1. Identify the company's critical success factors and primary objectives. What types of information might be helpful in evaluating these objectives? Create a mission statement that would be appropriate for your client business.

2. Develop a formal organizational chart based on the information given.

3. Analyse the current system and identify specific control weaknesses that must be addressed by a new, improved system. As part of your analysis, prepare a document flowchart and a data flow diagram of the current system.

4. Describe the primary features of this new system and explain why this is the best solution for your client to pursue. Discuss the relevance of such advanced technologies as MRP, MRPII, and EDI as information system options.

5. The proposal should also contain the following items:
a. A description of the technology platform for the system.
b. A list of financial and nonfinancial data attributes for each entity in the ER diagram.
c. Four user views, which can be source documents or management reports. At least one view should support the needs of a non-accounting user.
d. Examine potential security risks, data breaches and provide discussion of the appropriate accounting controls for the new system.

The report should be about 3,500 words and should be submitted in a Microsoft Word format document for the client. Each group member is required to work on the proposal and contribute to all assignment requirements.
Remember: this is a report intended to convince a board of directors to adopt your proposal. Your report must therefore be complete, yet concise; be clear and convincing, and professionally presented. Above all, the report must be specific to the needs of the business.

Case Compnay in the areas of: (The team needs to email the lecturer their choice)

- Public Transport
- Flight Centres
- Real state agencies
- Education
- Library
- Banks

- Immigration
- Health
- Medicine
- Pollution
- Manufacturing
- Agriculture

Submission Requirements:

The research should include a list of at least 7-10 references and a bibliography of the wider reading done to familiarize oneself with the topic.

Verified Expert

This paper includes a proposal for a new information system for your client detailing the requirements. The proposal will help client to make informed decision for investment in information system and to take their business to the next level. Company’s critical success factors and primary objectives. What types of information might be helpful in evaluating these objectives is also discussed in this paper.

Reference no: EM132115916

Questions Cloud

Identify three constitutional concerns raised by critics : Identify at least three constitutional concerns raised by critics, and explain whether or not you agree with these concerns.
How would you handle this situation : The lot is county property. A school administrator has called the police and asked that he be told to move.
Would citizens notice changes in the level of police patrol : Would different levels of visible police patrol affect recorded crime or the outcome of victim surveys?
Explain the meaning and the importance of a global mindset : In your answer refer to inter-market segmentation and provide an example of a product-market situation to explain your response.
Identify the companys critical success factors : Business Report - holmes institute - Identify the companys critical success factors and primary objectives. What types of information might be helpful
State how the solutions will be communicated in each case : Obtain your case study articles from scholarly peer-reviewed journals in the APUS online library. Use case studies that were published within the last ten years
Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems : Compare and contrast international criminal justice systems (Civil Law, Common law, and Islamic Law and Socialist Law traditions).
What do we mean by economies of scale : What are internal economies of scale? What are external economies of scale? What are the sources of external economies of scale?
Explain the progression of leadership in adult corrections : Explain the progression of leadership in the adult corrections environment from executive leadership to offenders.



11/19/2018 1:40:49 AM

hi please let me know what will be the price for 3000 words. im waiting for the payment from my group members.. I will do the payment sooner as possible, thank you. Please be noted this is for postgraduate level ( masters).thanks. Hi there.. please note that I have received 0% similarity in this assignment.really thankful! this is a responsible answer. it included sufficient references. Thank you so much for the help!! it really was an outstanding work! I would totally use this service again (in a situation of despair!) hahaha. My mates also want to know about such service, but I feel jealous telling them your name :) hahaha just kidding... thanks for your support.


9/18/2018 4:18:29 AM

Score Very Good (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Unsatisfactory (2) Referencing Correct referencing (Harvard) All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. Mostly correct referencing (Harvard) All quoted material in quotes and acknowledged. All paraphrased material acknowledged. Mostly correct setting out reference list and bibliography included. Mostly correct referencing (Harvard) Some problems with quoted material and paraphrased material Some problems with the reference list or bibliography. Not all material correctly acknowledged. /5 marks All paraphrased material acknowledged. Some problems with the reference list or bibliography. Correctly set out reference list and bibliography included.


9/18/2018 4:18:22 AM

Score Very Good (17-20) Good (13-16) Satisfactory (10-12) Unsatisfactory (6-9) Development of Discussion /20 marks Logical, insightful, original discussion with well-connected paragraphs. Evidence of full engagement with the literature found, with relevant and detailed analysis. Detailed, original discussion develops logically with some connection between adjoining paragraphs. Understanding of reading shown. Some relevant analysis. Adequate discussion develops logically. Understanding of reading shown. Few relevant analysis. Inadequate discussion of issues and/or lacking in logical flow Little/no demonstrated understanding of reading. None/little discussion or analysis.


9/18/2018 4:18:15 AM

Score Very Good (9-10) Good (7-8) Satisfactory (5-6) Unsatisfactory (3-4) Evidence of Research /10 marks Substantial range of appropriate and current, supportive evidence Good range of appropriate and current, supportive evidence. Suitable range of supportive evidence used. Not always appropriate and/or current. Minimum cited. Insufficient range or number of supportive evidence used.


9/18/2018 4:18:09 AM

Score Very Good (17-20) Good (13-16) Satisfactory (10-12) Unsatisfactory (6-9) Criteria completion /20 Evidence of understanding of the nature and purpose of the business. Evidence of understanding of the implications for the company The chosen software/system has the capacity to address challenges identified within the business. Evidence of understanding of the implications for the company You gain marks for ensuring that all of the points mentioned above as challenges within the business are covered in your report by the chosen software / system.


9/18/2018 4:18:03 AM

Score Very Good (12-15) Good (9-11) Satisfactory (8-10) Unsatisfactory (5-7) Introduction /15 marks Introduces the topic of the research report in an extremely engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives a detailed general background and indicates the overall "plan". Introduces the topic of the research report in an engaging manner which arouses the reader's interest. Gives some general background and indicates the overall "plan" of the report. Satisfactorily introduces the topic of the research report. Gives a general background. Indicates the overall "plan" of the report. Introduces the topic of the research report, but omits a general background of the topic and/or the overall "plan" of the report.


9/18/2018 4:17:57 AM

Score Very Good (12-15) Good (9-11) Satisfactory (8-10) Unsatisfactory (5-7) Presentation and writing style /15 marks Information is well organized. Correct layout including times new roman, font size 12 or calibri, font size10, double spaced. About the right length. Very well written, excellent paraphrasing and proper grammar and punctuation are used throughout. Information is organized, Correct layout including times new roman, font size 12 or calibri, font size10, double spaced. About the right length. Well written, some paraphrasing and proper grammar and punctuation Information is somewhat organized, Some elements of layout or length incorrect. Proper grammar and punctuation mostly used, but overuse of direct quotes. Information is poorly organized, Some elements of layout or length incorrect. Proper grammar and punctuation not always used. Excessive overuse of direct quotes


9/18/2018 4:17:51 AM

Score Very Good (9-10) Good (7-8) Satisfactory (5-6) Unsatisfactory (3-4) Fits with criteria /10 Appropriately choose a technology that fits. Evidence of good understanding of the nature and purpose of the business Evidence of understanding of the nature and purpose of the business Adequacy of understanding of the nature and purpose of the business Reports that choose systems/software not relevant will lose marks from this category.


9/18/2018 4:17:42 AM

The research should include a list of at least 7-10 references and a bibliography of the wider reading done to familiarize oneself with the topic. Submission: • Soft copy to self-check and Final Submission with cover sheet You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the course description. Your research should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words. All reports must use the Harvard referencing style. Marking rubrics are attached.

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