Identify the climax of the story and describe the resolution

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Reference no: EM133424917

Question: Narration, simply stated, is the telling of a story. By recognizing the main elements of a story, we are better able to create and control our own stories. You will address two of the stories in your initial post. You may choose any of the four stories listed. You will need to read all of the stories to engage with your peers' posts.

Bullet in the Brain, Tobias Wolfe p. 34
A Very Short Story, Ernest Hemingway p. 279
Incarnation of Burned Children, David Foster Wallace, pp.179 - 186
The School, Donald Barthelme, pp. 150-152

Climax, from the Greek, meaning ladder, is the point where the conflict or tension reaches its highest point. It is the turning point of the story where the rising action turns into the falling action. After the tension reaches its peak, the resolution or denouement follows.

Freytag's Pyramid

Initial Post: In two or three paragraphs respond to the following prompts ( A and B)

A. Based on your first story selection: Identify the climax of the story and describe the resolution. Imagine a different ending (resolution) and share it with your audience.

B. Your second story selection: Describe the main character and setting (s). What role does the setting play in the plot? What would happen if you changed the setting or the character was different than the one written? How would it change the story?

Reference no: EM133424917

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