Identify the classes has these attributes

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133547874

Provide a mockup (image) of whatever forms/screens that are used to illustrate the activities in your use case. Include a description of your forms/screens. These should support and illustrate your use case. For example for a Create Customer use case, a Create Customer screen with customer id, first and last name, address, phone numbers for work and cell phone boxes and a Submit Button would be an example of a form or web screen.

Include a discussion of the form including its content (data elements) and how they will be used. Identify the classes has these attributes. Include a dialog (step by step instructions on what happens when this form is used. While these forms/screens will be used in the application, they are also used as a storyboard to explain the user interface to the sponsors of the project. These can be used to create and verify the steps of your detailed use case. >

3.1.4 Activity Diagram Name for Use Case <Name> and Discussion
<Add the actual name of your use case replacing "<Name>" above with the actual name of your use case like Manage Shopping Cart. For example, Activity Diagram for Use Case Manage Shopping Cart. Insert the following:

1. An activity diagram for your use case

2. A discussion of the activity diagram.

Reference no: EM133547874

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