Identify the causal hypothesis at issue

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Reference no: EM13210968

Select one question from numbers 2, 3, 5, 6, or 8-13, and create a response for each of the investigations listed from a through f. 
a. identify the causal hypothesis at issue
b. Identify what kind of investigation it is.
c.describe the control and experimental groups.
d. state the difference in effect between control and experimental groups.
e.Identify any problems in either the investigation or in the report of it, including but not necessarily limited to uncontrolled variables.
f. Sates the conclusion you think is warranted by the report.
Research and the university of Pennsylvania and the childrens hospital of Philadelphia indicates that children who sleep in a dimly lighted room until age 2 may be up to five times likely to develop myopia when they grow up. The researchers asked the parents of children who had been patients at the researchers' eye clinic to recall the lighting conditions in the childrens bedroom from birth to age 2.Of the total of 172 children who slept in darkness, 10 percent were nearsighted. Of total of 232 who sleep with a night light, 34 percents were nearsighted. Of the total of 75 who slept with a lamp on, 55 percent were nearsighted. The lead ophthalmologist, Dr.Graham E. Quinn, said that, " just as the body needs to rest, this suggests that the eyes need a period of darkness".

Reference no: EM13210968

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