Identify the brand strategy for the company

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Reference no: EM131068069

You are asked to investigate a specific company, identify the brand strategy for the company, and to create a brand portfolio. Start by identifying and describing the Unilever company and its brands (some brands include Dove, Lipton, and Surf). Then complete the following: Use Target Corp.

Create a brand hierarchy tree to break down at least five of the brands.

For those five brands, what are the target markets and how are the brands positioned?

Create a brand portfolio for Unilever. Hint: Section 11-1, "The Science of Branding," on page 359 of your text will help you complete this task.

What is the brand strategy Unilever is using for each brand?

Keller, K. L. (2012). Strategic brand management (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. ISBN: 9780132664257

Reference no: EM131068069

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