Identify the best in residential building of oman

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM131303878 , Length:

You need to prepare a report

The topic is a study of tendering methods used in residential building of Oman

Required to write literature review related to the topic above ( related to Oman only ) and identify the best in residential building of Oman
It needs 15 pages (font- Times new Roman, font size 12)

Please note it must have a title for each paragraph with(16 font size)

Do not forget the references 15 ref includes books, journals and internet - Harvard reference style

Verified Expert

The assignment is about different types of tender process for residential buildings in Oman, also the guidelines given by sultanate of Oman have been discussed. New technology of tendering which is e-tendering has also been discussed.

Reference no: EM131303878

Questions Cloud

What evidence is there of monetary excesses : John Taylor has argued that there "is clear evidence of monetary excesses during the period leading up to the housing boom."
Products characteristics affect the composition : How can a product's characteristics affect the composition of its promotion mix?- Evaluate the following statement: "Appropriate advertising media are always available if a company can afford them."
How does the targeted federal funds rate calculated : How does the targeted federal funds rate calculated using the Taylor rule compare to the actual federal funds rate of 0% to 0.25%?
How can marketers use word of mouth communication : In which ways can word-of-mouth communication influence the effectiveness of a promotion mix for a product? How can marketers use word-of-mouth communication to create "buzz" for a product?
Identify the best in residential building of oman : You need to prepare a report  - The topic is a study of tendering methods used in residential building of Oman - write literature review related to the topic above ( related to Oman only ) and identify the best in residential building of Oman
Identify two television commercials : Identify two television commercials, one aimed at stimulating primary demand and one aimed at stimulating selective demand. Describe each commercial, and discuss how each attempts to achieve its objective.
Use a push policy and a pull policy : Identify two products for which marketers should use a push policy and a pull policy and a third product that might best be promoted using a mix of the two policies. Explain your answers.
What was the purpose of the bailouts : Why would the IMF have been bailing out South Korea, Indonesia, and Thailand in 1997? What was the purpose of the bailouts?
What are the promotional objectives of the website : Who is the target market for members?- What is being promoted to these individuals?- What are the promotional objectives of the website?



12/7/2016 2:47:19 AM

please it must th e report about 5-6 % plagiarism show when upload in turnitin thank you for your kind support No Of Pages/Words-15 pages approx 4500 words - Required to write literature review related to the topic above ( related to Oman only ) and identify the best in residential building of Oman

Write a Review

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