Identify the behaviors that created this environment

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13799780


In this lab, students will complete the following objectives.

• Create a VBScript Program using NotePad++.

• Learn various objects and methods used for data input.

• Learn various objects and methods used for the display of data

Lab Diagram

1046_Create a VBScript Program using NotePad.png

During your session you will have access to the following lab configuration.

only need to connect to Vlab-PC1. This is the computer on the left side. If you leave the cursor on the PC icon for a few seconds, a tool-tip message will appear indicating the hostname of the PC.

To start, simply click on the named Workstation from the device list (located on the left hand side of the screen) and clickPower on in the tools bar. In some cases the devices may power on automatically.

During the boot-up process an activity indicator will be displayed in the name tab.

• Black-Powered Off

• Orange-Working on your request

• Green-Ready to access

If the remote console is not displayed automatically in the main window (or popup) click the Connect icon located in the tools bar to start your session.

If the remote console does not appear please try the following option.

• Switch between the HTML 5 and Java client versions in the tools bar.

In the event this does not resolve your connectivity problems please visit our Help/Support pages for additional resolution options.


Reference no: EM13799780

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Database Management System Questions & Answers

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