Identify the behaviors of the managers in the case

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133523658

Discussion Post: Teams & Collaboration

Step I: Read the following case study called "OECollaboration*":

At OECollaboration, a technology company that develops virtual collaboration software for new companies, Mike Jones is a new manager. One of the biggest challenges he has faced is that the team that he is managing is well established and because he is an outsider, the team members haven't yet developed trust in him.

Two weeks into his new employment, Mike held a meeting and discussed all of the changes to the remote work agreements as well as implementing new meeting requirements for each employee to have a biweekly meeting scheduled with him to discuss their projects. The team was outraged, they were not excited, and the following days he wasn't greeted in a friendly way; in addition, his team seemed less engaged when asked to participate in team functions.

Tracy James is also a new manager at OECollaboration who started at the same time as Mike, in a similar situation where she is a new manager of an existing team. Tracy was able to hold a meeting the first day on the job to listen to her team and get to know them. During this meeting she also told the team about herself and her past experiences. Additionally, she held one-on-one meetings to listen to each of her team members to discuss what they were working on and their career goals. After observation and discussion with upper management, she aligned her own team goals closely with the skills and experiences of her new team. She met with the whole team to make changes to a few policies, explaining why they were being changed, and set the strategy for the team moving forward.

Because she got her team involved and learned about them before implementing her new strategy, this was well received. Her team still had questions and concerns, but they felt like they could trust her and that they were included in the changes that were being made.

Step 2: Review the rubric to understand how you are evaluated. You must post an original response by Wednesday of the due date week. Your original post must include at least 250 words. Include your word count at the end of each of posts (e.g., "Original Post: 224"). In your original post, you must include at least 1 scholarly/peer-reviewed post inside the body and at the end of the post in APA format. Answer the following questions in question-and-answer (Q&A) itemized format. In other words, in include the original question and your answer under it. You will not be able to see other's posts until you have submitted yours. You cannot edit or alter your posts once it is submitted. Students who make a non-substantive post, gaining access to their peers work, will not get credit for a later post. You should write your post in a word document, then copy and paste it to the discussion board to avoid issues.

Question I. What are the most important things for managers to consider when working with a new team?

Question II. Identify the behaviors of the managers in this case that contributed to building (or detracting from) cohesion in the teams -- and explain why.

Reference no: EM133523658

Questions Cloud

What is the duty to accommodate : What is the Duty to Accommodate and when is it triggered? Are there any guidelines as to how far one must go in exercising this duty? In the HRC?
How can a mental health worker prepare to assist your family : impact that has had on all family members: parents, siblings, gandparents. How can a mental health worker prepare to assist your familys needs
How is the situation for denise and her children : How is the situation for Denise and her children in the documentary my different life illustrative of cumulative disadvantage?
List all the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder : List all the characteristics of autism spectrum disorder that you have learned so far. These do not have to be in sentence format. This is brainstorming
Identify the behaviors of the managers in the case : Identify the behaviors of the managers in this case that contributed to building (or detracting from) cohesion in the teams -- and explain why.
What do each of these themes say about larger : What do each of these themes say about larger relationships, social relations and/or culture? Please utilize 1 example for each theme
Describe specific aspects of greek culture : Describe specific aspects of Greek culture that are pertinent to women, including the cultural conceptions of distress and the anxiety that divorce entails.
Can altruism lead to aggression or aggression lead : Are altruism and aggression opposites, or are they two sides of the same coin? That is, can altruism lead to aggression or aggression lead to altruism?
Phases of your change management processes : Make a PowerPoint presentation for all 3 phases of your change management processes from the answer completed in question above.


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