Identify the bargaining strategy

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133178795

The second written report is a Bargaining Outcomes Summary and Analysis (6-8 pages). The Bargaining Outcomes Summary and Analysis will contain the Notice of Agreement, the Memorandum of Settlement (with all language changes), and an executive summary outlining the team's overall success in executing their strategy including what team goals were met and why, what team goals were not met and why, and a reflection on what could have been done differently to achieve a better outcome. 

A completed Notice of Agreement (template provided). This is used to record the date and time an agreement is reached.

b. A copy of the Memorandum of Agreement/settlement outlining terms of the contract (template provided). 

i. Make 2 copies: 1 copy for each team. 

ii. Also provide a list of references, resource material, APA format) 

c. Identify the bargaining strategy your team actually used during bargaining (provide examples of tactics used that are consistent with your answer). Explain why your team was, or was not, successful in implementing the strategy you had intended to use. 

d. What effect if any, did the bargaining strategies used by both teams have on your team's satisfaction with: i) the outcomes of the process, and ii) the quality of the relationship developed with the other team? 

e. Was your team successful in negotiating your 5 priorities/desired collective agreement changes into the new collective agreement? Why or why not? 

f. What additional amendments (if any) were made to the collective agreement as a result or your bargaining process?

 g. Based on your experience in this simulation, how would you evaluate each team's satisfaction with the outcomes and quality of relationships during negotiations? What, if anything, could have been done differently to achieve a better outcome? Justify your answer. 

Characteristics of excellent work include: table of contents, accurate application of course material, additional resources (appropriately cited), thorough, practical and/or creative strategies and outcomes, logical summary, clear and legally sound language in the collective agreement, absence of grammatical errors and typos, and accurate calculations.

Reference no: EM133178795

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