Identify the authors argument and her supporting evidence

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Reference no: EM131351137

Response Paper- Article Analysis and Argument

Read Martha Fineman's "The Sexual Family." First, analyze the article as we did in the second response paper:

1. Summarize the issues/problems with which Fineman is concerned
2. Identify the author's argument/position and her supporting evidence
3. Suggest at least one critique of the author's argument. Do not critique her writing style; engage with the point she is making. Alternatively, you can suggest an area in which you can apply the ideas that Fineman is putting forth.

Now, do some research to expand on your critique/application. Look for news articles and data that support the claim you want to make in distinction or in agreement with Fineman. You must use at least three sources in making your argument. Cite your sources.

Reference no: EM131351137

Questions Cloud

Define operational definition of a variable : Define operational definition of a variable- Give at least two operational definitions of the variables you thought of in the previous review question.
Distinguish between laboratory and field experiments : What is the difference between the non experimental method and the experimental method?- What is the difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable?
Difference in company total sales revenue and variable costs : ------------------------ is a measure of operating leverage. It is the difference between a company's total sales revenue and variable costs.
Influence the possible effects of extraneous variables : What is meant by the problem of direction of cause and effect and the third-variable problem?- How do direct experimental control and randomization influence the possible effects of extraneous variables?
Identify the authors argument and her supporting evidence : Summarize the issues/problems with which Fineman is concerned. Identify the author's argument/position and her supporting evidence.
What if an outgoing person has a job : What if an outgoing person has a job that requires them to meet very few people? They may be considered (incorrectly) shy by this operational definition.
What segment of society was most affected and concerned : ENC 1101- What segment of society was most affected and concerned? What "sides" were presented about the issue? Why did people think the way they did? What did they foresee in the future concerning this issue?
Two operational definitions for concept of helping behavior : Develop two operational definitions for the concept of helping behavior, one that emphasizes the "male style" and the other the "female style."
Research on an australian case : HA3021 CORPORATIONS LAW GROUP ASSIGNMENT. Research on an Australian case (not more than 10 years old since the decision by the Court) involving breach of company director's/officer's duties


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