Reference no: EM133240475
Find an annual report for a company of interest (perhaps your employer). Publicly held company annual reports (10K) can be located via Edgar Archives on the Security and Exchange website.
To perform the search in the Edgar Archives you can use either the company name or "ticker symbol" for the company.[View instructions on how to access the annual reports]
Click on the link to "Interactive Data" and then the link to the "Financial Statements". Locate and review the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Title your post with the name of your company and share the following in your post:
In chapter 9 we learned about three different methods of depreciation and amortization. This assignment has you locate information relating to this topic.
1. What is the name of your company?
2. Provide the web address that leads to your Financial Statements.
3. What is the date of your annual report?
4. Identify the assets that your company depreciates. What is the useful life of these assets? What depreciation method does your company use? This information is presented in the Accounting Policies tab, found under the Financial Statements option.
5. Did your company include any intangible assets on the balance sheet? What intangible assets were included? (See balance sheet)