Identify target market and segmentation strategies

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131058636

Objective: To recommend a new product strategy for a clearly identified target market that addresses the organizations root problem.


Begin by reading the "Mattel Confronts Its Marketing Challenges" Case in the text (Attach, the attach is in order, from 1 to 9, also the first attach document is the rubric).

Prepare a case analysis and proposal with a comprehensive new product strategy for a clearly identified target market.

Your proposal must include:

Situation analysis

Assumptions and missing information

Identify root problem & problem definition

Identify target market and segmentation strategies

Development of alternatives for New Product

Evaluation of alternatives and recommendation of new product development and or course of action to management

New Product Strategy - comprehensive description of tangible and intangible attributes of the product, "type" of product, form of strategy option used for this new product development, differentiation and positioning strategy. Be sure to include your rationale supported by data.

Be sure your case analysis and proposal is comprehensive and includes the appropriate marketing concepts that will convince the Mattel Management of your expertise and validity of ideas.

Reference no: EM131058636

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