Reference no: EM133113565
CMP1041 Foundation Programming
Assessment - Pseudo Coding
Assessment Purpose
Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise, i.e. from junior engineers to senior engineers. Junior engineers may be given projects that are outside their ability to achieve, and thus receive help from more experienced engineers.
In this assessment you work as a senior engineer for a security software company that has a new client. A junior engineer was assigned to this client however has been struggling with the more complex parts of the software. Part of your role as a senior engineer at the security software company is to help the junior engineer in providing non-buggy software for the client.
Assessment Task
Assessment Instructions
Read each of the following four (4) tasks and write your responses in the form of a report. The report will be submitted as one (1) pdf file.
Task 1
The client wants to add security tag readers to doors that allow employees to scan their security tag and if they have the security level appropriate to access the door, they can progress through the door. If they do not have the appropriate security level, security will be alerted with the employee's name and the door will be locked down - not allowing anyone to enter until the door has been reset by security.
Doors are given a security level from 1 to 3, where 3 is the highest security level, and 1 is the lowest. Employees are also given a security level from 1 to 3. An employee with a security level of 1 can access all doors that also have a security level of 1. An employee with a security level of 2 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2. An employee with a security level of 3 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2 or 3.
I've finished a flowchart, but as a junior I am unsure if it has bugs! Can you please identify any syntax, logic, and runtime errors in the flowchart and do the following:
i) Identify the flowchart node that has the error.
ii) Provide a flowchart node that fixes the error.
iii) Provide information about what the error was.
Task 2
The client wants to be able to upgrade an employee's security level, so as the employee receives a promotion they can access new areas.
An employee may upgrade another employee's security level only if the upgrader (the employee upgrading another employee) has a security level at least one security level above the upgradee (the employee being upgraded). That way an employee with a security level of 2 can upgrade an employee with a security level of 1 to a security level of 2, but is not able to upgrade an employee of security level 2 to a security level of 3. In the case where the employee does not have the correct security level to upgrade another employee, security should be alerted with the names of both of the employees.
As a junior engineer I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart, using appropriate tools that will create presentable flowcharts, so that I can implement this within a programming language.
Task 3
The client wants to be able to downgrade all employee's security levels, if the employee has a specific role. Only an employee with a role of Security should be able to downgrade all employee's security levels based on their role.
For example the client decides that all employees with a role of Scientist should no longer have access to security level 2 rooms and wants to be able to downgrade their security level from 2 to 1. An employee with the role of Security will then execute this program to downgrade all employees security level's with the role of Scientist. An employee's security level should never be below 1. If an employee tries to execute this program with a role that is not Security then security should be alerted with the employee's name.
Again, I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart so that I can implement this within a programming language.
Task 4
As a junior engineer, I intend on implementing the above programs in an Object Oriented Language, such as C++. Can you please help me get started by providing the properties and methods for the Employee class, to be used in my class diagram, that has all the properties and methods required for the programs above, specifically methods that allow upgrading or downgrading an employee's security level easily would be great!
CMP1042 Information Systems
Assessment - Information Systems Analysis
Assessment Purpose
This assessment provides you the chance to demonstrate your understanding of Data Warehouse and Data Mart concepts, combined with OLAP and Data Mining.
Assessment Instructions
To complete this assessment, read the following case study then complete the tasks below.
Imagine Pty Ltd
You are employed by a major Australian supermarket/retail chain (Imagine Pty Ltd). Imagine P/L operates over 500 supermarkets and/or department stores across all states and territories.
You must describe how Imagine P/L can use its large database of transaction data to better target specific market segments or individual customers to improve sales.
Submit a 1000-word report which:
1. Briefly describes what data warehouse, data mart, OLAP and Data mining technology are
2. Explains how Imagine P/L can leverage Data Warehouse/Data Mart technology in combination with OLAP and Data Mining to increase sales through targeting of specific customer groups and/or individual customers
3. Discusses how these groups will be targeted (once identified), by explaining three (3) digital marketing options such as email, voice, text, app alert, app redemption token, etc.
The report should be in MS Word format (or equivalent). For the purpose of this assessment, the following assumptions apply:
• 95% of sales are electronic (credit card/phone), 5% are cash;
• 55% of customers use a loyalty card at time of transaction;
• customers who have a loyalty card have provided credit card/phone/email details; and
• Imagine P/L has a smartphone app, which supports tokens (price discounts, etc) and alerts. 25% of customers have downloaded and use the app.
Report Structure
Your report should include the following sections:
• Introduction: Briefly explaining the purpose of the report
• Technology Options: Where you describe each type of technology
• Sales Solution: Where you explain how the options will increase sales
• Marketing Channels: Where you discuss how to reach customers
• Conclusion: Where you summarise what has been proposed
Attachment:- Information Systems Analysis.rar