Identify subtle and overt messages about gender

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133431987


1. Identify subtle and overt messages about gender that different agents of socialization (e.g., family, friends, teachers, media) taught you during childhood. Did those messages conflict or reinforce one another? How did you display your gender to others? Did you conform to social expectations or challenge them? How and in what contexts?

2. Is the glass half-empty or half-full for women today? How might your answer change based on whether you compare them to women of the past or men of the present?

3. Consider how race, class, sexual orientation. and religion might have affected the gender advances and restrictions described in this section. For example, to what degree do men of every class, race, and ethnicity have privileges over comparable women? Or. how do religion, sexual orientation, and other social statuses influences women's ability to take advantage of educational and occupational opportunities?

Reference no: EM133431987

Questions Cloud

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Identify subtle and overt messages about gender : Identify subtle and overt messages about gender that different agents of socialization (e.g., family, friends, teachers, media) taught you during childhood.
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Economic and social impact of the war : For the United States, was World War II a "good war"? Explain in outline form by considering the economic and social impact of the war.


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