Identify substance most commonly abused in state

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133236178


One of the topics covered in this week's lecture was substance abuse disorders and treatment. For this week's discussion you will learn more about substance abuse and treatment within your area.

To begin, please use the following weblinks to identify the substance(s) most commonly abused in your state and examine some treatment methods:

  • Substance abuse statistics in the United States
  • Substance Abuse Stats by State
  • Treatment approaches for drug addiction

After reviewing the above links, make an initial post in which address the following questions/prompts:

  • Identify the substances that are most commonly abused or most problematic in Ohio.
  • Explain whether were surprised by the statistics and information read about state of Ohio.
  • Keeping the commonly abused substances in your state in mind, describe some of the issues a community might see as a result of this abuse.
  • Summarize what treatment options might be appropriate for the substances that are commonly abused in Ohio.
  • Finally, outline some of the barriers to treatment for substance abuse.

If cannot find Ohio pick one that is close by or use Google to search "Most commonly used drugs in (your state's name)".

Reference no: EM133236178

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