Identify subcultural influence in american consumer behave

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131293540

Identifying Subcultural Influence in American Consumer Behavior

List twenty (20) different market offerings or customs enjoyed by many average Americans which can be traced back to a different/foreign country or culture. Please do some research before you start making your list...

Please note: You must list the product or custom AND the country where it originated. You may need to do some brief research - misidentified origins will invalidate your answer and will affect your grade.

Other guidelines:

Do not list brands - I do not want to see entries like TOYOTA - Japan; KNORR - Germany, etc.

Do not include silly 'obvious' things like: Polish sausage - Poland; Italian coffee - Italy; Korean Barbecue - Korea - Where else would these come from!?

Do not include anyhting that is not a product. service, or custom

Reference no: EM131293540

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