Identify strengths and weaknesses of your program

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Reference no: EM132802676

Assignment: To Prepare: • Review the Armadale Public School and Crosby Heights Public School Case Studies located in Module V of Fullan's article "Motion Leadership: The Skinny on Becoming Change Savvy." Pay attention to the 14 parameters used by the districts as they developed and implemented their plan of action.

• Select a program or model identified in Module 1 for evaluation.

• Meet with your identified team using the Agenda and PowerPoint you created. Identify strengths and weaknesses of your program.

• Review the Action Plan Template forms found in the Learning Resources and research other models of action planning. Reflect on which action plan will meet the needs of the identified program.

Part 3: Collaboration to Create an Action Plan

Meet with your identified team and conduct a program evaluation using the ideas from the evaluation models you identified in Module 1. Create an Action Plan using at least two program needs you identified in your meeting. Please note that you will not create the full Action Plan, as this will take time and ongoing work with your team. Note: There are two sections for Part 3: writing a 2- to 3-page summary and creating an action plan.

Write 2- to 3-page summary of the meeting including the following:

• Summarize the information discussed at the meeting and reference at least one idea from Fullan's "Cultivating Collaborative Cultures" that you implemented during your collaboration with your team.

• Explain at least two strengths and two areas of need for the program you discussed in your meeting.

• Explain and outline how you will continue ongoing program evaluation

• Provide an analysis of how environmental and program data will be shared with pertinent stakeholders. Describe how you will establish buy in across all levels? Reference at least one idea from Fullan's "Cultivating Collaborative Cultures" that you will implement with the program staff members.

Create an action plan in a table format (Note: You can use the template provided in the Resources or create your own) that will address the following:

• At least two program goals to address the two areas of need that were identified by the team during the team meeting.

• Table headings should include the following headings (you may add additional headings as you see fit for your program): Program Goals, Action to Be Taken, Steps to Complete the Action, By When, By Whom, and Resources Needed to Complete the Action.

Reference no: EM132802676

Questions Cloud

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Identify strengths and weaknesses of your program : Meet with your identified team using the Agenda and PowerPoint you created. Identify strengths and weaknesses of your program.
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