Identify strategies for the crm project implementation

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133204037 , Length: Word count: 2 Pages

Assignment Task: Read the case study: Customer relationship Management Strategy By Tamilla Curtis, Donald Barrere, and Tom Griffin

And respond to the questions below.


Assume you are James Williams developing a presentation on CRM in Russia for the Board of Directors of AMIR limited:

Q1. Identify strategies for the CRM project implementation.

Q2. Identify reasons contributing to the failure of the CRM implementation at Mashkin.

Q3. Discuss the current state of CRM practice in emerging markets using the example in Russia.

Q4. What additional challenges might companies in Russia face in implementing CRM projects?

Reference no: EM133204037

Questions Cloud

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What would be the new regression function : If you have to include abilities as a new variable, what would be the new regression function?
Identify strategies for the crm project implementation : Identify strategies for the CRM project implementation. Identify reasons contributing to the failure of the CRM implementation at Mashkin.
Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation : As a manager at Hightech Ltd. you are pleased with the direction of the company. The company develops and manufactures drones for commercial use in the security
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Which business values will be provided with big data : 1. Which business values (opportunities) will be provided with Big Data Analytics ?
Develop a detailed action plan to motivate john : Assume that you are Charlie (John's supervisor). Develop a detailed action plan to motivate John. Your plan must be based on any two theories of motivation


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