Identify strategies for meeting each plan

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Reference no: EM132202471

Case study

You are the nurse looking after Mr Jones, an80 year old male admitted to the Medical ward with Clostridium difficile (C-Diff). He currently has symptoms of watery diarrhoea, a temperature of 385degrees Celsiusabdominal pain, sudden weight loss and loss of appetite. Mr Elliot is also complaining of lethargy.

Instructions: Structure your assignment so that it meets the following requirements:

1. Introduction. (approx 250 words). Serves as a "map" of the essay, outlining to the reader the key points contained in the body of the work.

2. Discussion of Activities of Living (AoL's) related to the Case Study -Eating and Drinking, Personal Cleansing and Dressing and Elimination (approx. 1000 words)

Discuss how the AoL's of Eating and Drinking, Personal Cleansing and Dressing and Eliminationhave been altered for Mr Jones. Your answer must include the following:

- An overview of how the 3 AoL's may be affected
- The nursing care you would provideMr Jonesincludinghow you would treat his symptoms and any assessments you would conduct.

3. Nursing Care Plan. (approx 1000 words).Using the Nursing Care Plan provided formulate a care plan for each of the following three issues: decreased appetite, potential for a pressure ulcer and risk of fluid and electrolyte imbalance. You are required to formulate a plan/goal for improving each issue, identify strategies for meeting each plan/goal and then discuss what evaluative measures will be taken to determine if each plan/ goal was met.

4. Conclusion (approx 250 words, start a new paragraph). Summarise the key points expressed in the body of the work, as well as the key learning from your research.

Refer to marking guide on the next page of this document

Please refer to detailed information on Submission of Assignments specific to your campus/education centre within your Subject Outline

Verified Expert

This was mainly a case study based assignment.The case study was based on an 80 year old man who was suffering from C-diff.The discussion pointed out the alterations that would could occur on the daily activities of the individual and initiated the formation of a nursing plan that would help in the formation of measures to reduce the obstacles and pain that comes with C-diff.

Reference no: EM132202471

Questions Cloud

Two types of decision making-rational and non-rational : Describe and compare the two types of decision making, rational and non-rational.
Describe the changing brain structure : In 50-75 words for each age range, describe the changing brain structure or development happening for each range
Functional purposes of project monitoring-project evaluation : Differentiate between the functional purposes of project monitoring and project evaluation.
Describe any symptoms that allison might experience : Assignment - Brain Scans and Application of Research to Brain Injury - Describe any symptoms that Allison might experience
Identify strategies for meeting each plan : Identify strategies for meeting each plan/goal and then discuss what evaluative measures will be taken to determine if each plan/ goal was met
Describe the integration of risk assessment : Describe the integration of risk assessment in PMO project planning.
Strategic risk to industrial-age organizations : Mr. Wang posed strategic risk to industrial-age organizations. Name a company today that poses such a risk to Macy's. Explain your reasoning
State the usually adopted types of project evaluation : Identify and state the usually adopted types of project evaluation.
Provide the full DSM diagnosis for Emily : Provide the full DSM-5 diagnosis for Emily. Remember, a full diagnosis should include the name of the disorder, ICD-10-CM code, specifiers, severity



12/25/2018 9:46:47 PM

Referencing (10%) Quality and Accuracy 10% Provides a comprehensive reference list and accurately references sources using the UOW APA style. Provides a comprehensive reference list and accurately references majority sources using the UOW APA style. UOW APA referencing style used to reference most sources. Minor errors in referencing noted UOW APA referencing style used but with several errors. Used incorrect referencing style or made a large number of referencing errors.


12/25/2018 9:46:31 PM

Academic Writing 15% Consistently demonstrates a high level of academic writing with a clear & logical structure. Virtually free from spelling, grammatical and/or terminology error Presents a well-structured discussion in academic style with a clear and logical flow. Mostly correct spelling and grammar and appropriate terminology used throughout. Presents a clear and logical discussion in an appropriate academic style. Minimal spelling or grammatical errors, and mostly suitable use of terminology Written reasonably clearly with academic style and structure evident in most paragraphs. Some incorrect spelling, grammar and / or terminology Did not present information in an academic style. Lacked clear and logical structure and written expression. Frequent spelling, grammatical and / or terminology errors.


12/25/2018 9:46:25 PM

Organisation, Structure and Presentation (20%) Logical Flow, Introduction and Conclusion, Word limit (10%) Highly logical structure and ideas flow well. Introduction and conclusion give a strong overview of the content of the assessment and the key points. Logical structure and ideas flow appropriately. Introduction and conclusion give a strong overview of the content of the assessment and the key points. Clear structure and ideas flow well. Introduction and conclusion give an overview of the content of the assessment. Structure and flow of ideas can be followed. Introduction and/or conclusion give a limited overview of the content of the assessment. Structure and flow of ideas difficult to follow. Introduction and/or conclusion do not give an overview of the content of the assessment Structure and flow of ideas cannot be followed. Introduction and conclusion are absent


12/25/2018 9:46:11 PM

Nursing Care Plan (20%) Comprehensively and accurately documents in the NCP: a) 3 health problems related to AoL’s (one per AoL); b) appropriate nursing plan for each health problem; c) relevant strategies, and d) a measurable evaluation for each health problem.The domains a) & c) are justified by supporting evidence. Clearly and accurately documents in the NCP: a) 3 health problems related to AoL’s (one per AoL); b) appropriate nursing plan for each health problem; c) relevant strategies, and d) a measurable evaluation for each health problem.The domains a) & c) are justified by supporting evidence.. Documentation of the NCP is mostly clear and accurate. NCP includes: a) 3 health problems related to the AoL; b) clear nursing plan for each health problem; c) mostly relevant strategies, and d) an evaluation for each health problem. Domains a) & c) are mostly justified by supporting evidence.


12/25/2018 9:45:55 PM

Treatment of symptoms (15%) Comprehensive and accurate explanation of how the patient would be treated in relation to the AoL’s Detailed and accurate explanation of how the patient would be treated in relation to the AoL’s Accurate explanation of how the patient would be treated in relation to the AoL’s Limited explanation of how the patient would be treated in relation to the AoL’s. Some errors noted Minimal explanation of how the patient would be treated in relation to the AoL’s. Major errors noted No explanation of how the patient would be treated in relation to the AoL’s


12/25/2018 9:45:50 PM

Assessment of symptoms (15%) Comprehensive and accurate explanation of how the patient would be assessed in relation to the AoL’s Detailed and accurate explanation of how the patient would be assessed in relation to the AoL’s Accurate explanation of how the patient would be assessed in relation to the AoL’s Limited explanation of how the patient would be assessed in relation to the AoL’s. Some errors noted Minimal explanation of how the patient would be assessed in relation to the AoL’s. Major errors noted No explanation of how the patient would be assessed in relation to the AoL’s


12/25/2018 9:45:44 PM

Content, Knowledge and Understanding (70%) Discussion of Activities of Living (15%) Comprehensive discussion of the relevant AoL’s and how they have been affected by the illness Detailed discussion of the relevant AoL’s and how they have been affected by the illness Sound discussion of the relevant AoL’s and how they have been affected by the illness Limited discussion of the relevant AoL’s and how they have been affected by the illness Minimal discussion of the relevant AoL’s and how they have been affected by the illness No discussion on the relevant AoL’s and how they have been affected by the illness

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