Identify staff you would recruit as team members

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM132532728

Part 1
Read this case study and then:

Question 1. Based on the Performance Data provided in the Case Study, decidewhich problem you want to focus on as your first priority-the goal for your improvement team.For example: I will be focusing on increasing the number of patients preregistering for appointments by improving the scheduling process.

Question 2. Identify staff you would recruit as team members that you would want to participate in this effort and identify what fundamental knowledge they each should bring to the team and process.

Question 3. Document the entire current process (Access Process) identified in the Case Study using a process flowchart, from patient appointments being scheduled until the point the patient has seen the doctor. You may submit the flowchart as a separate file.

Question 4. Identify your internal customers and their expectations.

Question 5. Identify your external customers and their expectations.

Part 2

Read this case study and then:

Question 1. Prioritize opportunities to improve by doing the following:
• Complete an RCA using a fishbone diagrambased on the problem you identified in Part Iwith the following categories: people (patients), people (staff/employees), policies and procedures, and plant (facilities/equipment);
• Describe how you would collect data about how often the root causes contribute to the problem to determine where your greatest opportunity for improvement would be (in other words, identify where the data will to come from and how you will collect it);
• Design a Pareto chart from the data given above. You may use hypothetical data to design your Pareto chart.

You may submit the diagram and chart as separate files.

Question 2. Review each ofthe following change concepts (Langley et al. 1996). Identify whether each one may apply to your process. If they do apply, explain how; if they do not apply, explain why.
• Eliminate waste (e.g., things that are not used, intermediaries, unnecessary duplication)
• Improve workflow (e.g., minimize handoffs, move steps in the process closer together, find and remove bottlenecks, do tasks in parallel, adjust to high and low volumes)
• Manage time (e.g., reduce set-up time and waiting time)
• Manage variation (create standard processes where appropriate)
• Design systems to avoid mistakes (use reminders)

Question 3. Improve the process and document the improved process with a Process Flowchart.

Question 4. You have completed the "Plan" phase of the Shewhart cycle. Now describe briefly how you would complete the rest of the PDCA cycle.

Reference no: EM132532728

Questions Cloud

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What should Pangasinan report as note receivable : The market interest for similar notes was 8%. In its December 31, 2020 statement of financial position, what should Pangasinan report as note receivable
Identify staff you would recruit as team members : Identify staff you would recruit as team members that you would want to participate in this effort and identify what fundamental knowledge they each shoul
Principle of human-computer interface design : Discuss one principle of human-computer interface design that is particularly important in critical applications.
How much is the interest expense for the period : The entity capitalized the building equal to the cash payments during the construction. How much is the interest expense for the period
Packet sniffing and wireshark : The first part of the lab introduces packet sniffer, Wireshark. Wireshark is a free opensource network protocol analyzer.
What are the two factors for the court : What are the two factors for the court to consider when deciding whether the statute is constitutional?


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