Identify something that is worth having a formal holiday for

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Reference no: EM133564190

Assignment: Holiday Proposal

Choose your holiday, conduct initial research, and complete your proposal.

Submit a 1 to 2 pages paper (12-point; Times New Roman; single space; 500-700 words) identifying a new holiday that you believe should be formally adopted as a state holiday in Massachusetts. You get to choose the topic, the name, and even the date of the holiday!

Be creative and use your personal experience to identify something that is worth having a formal holiday for! You can choose a holiday topic that you are motivated to learn about, or are already familiar with. Conduct careful research about this holiday proposal. Share all of the facts and context necessary to have an in-depth understanding of why this should be a holiday here.

Depending on your chosen holiday, this could look very different. It may include the history around the issue/ event/ person/ or behavioral practice. You may need to discuss economic, social, legal or practical implications. Depending on how well-known or obscure your holiday topic is, you may need to address public perception and awareness, etc.

It should be part social studies report, part fact-finding mission, part opening argument. Remember that your ultimate goal is to convince your peers to vote for your holiday, so make it compelling!

Reference no: EM133564190

Questions Cloud

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Identify something that is worth having a formal holiday for : Be creative and use your personal experience to identify something that is worth having a formal holiday for!
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Imagine you are the person listening to your friend : Imagine you are the person listening to your friend complaining to you about their boss, professor, parent, and son, use the skills of "paraphrasing" to respond


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