Identify solution that both ethical and business appropriate

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Reference no: EM132383854 , Length: word count:600

Assignment -

Getting a Loan - Consider the case of Edwin Jones, loan manager at First Consolidated Savings. In the course of meeting with people applying for home improvement loans, Edwin makes it a point to ask customers whether they have lined up a contractor to complete the improvements. He then casually drops the name of his brother who operates a general contracting business and mentions that a number of bank customers have been very satisfied with the work of his company.

In your case analysis, examine whether Jones' action is ethical. Use the decision making model/case analysis instructions to identify a solution that is both ethical and business appropriate.

Carefully review and follow the instructions provided below to create your case analysis.

Case Study Assignment Instructions -

The paper is an individual assignments and should reflect your own thoughts on the following Elements of Case Analysis. Your response should be submitted as a file upload (.doc or .docx).

Elements of Case Analysis (Outline) -

1. Determine the relevant facts. This summary should not exceed one paragraph.

(Note: You do NOT need to state what facts might be missing that you would like to have known, unless it clarifies information or context.)

2. Identify and explain the key ethical issue(s) involved in the case.

Moral standards - honesty, fidelity, confidentiality, autonomy, injustice

Categories of unethical behavior include:

  • Taking things that don't belong to you
  • Saying things you know are not true, or giving or allowing false impressions
  • Buying influence or engaging in a conflict of interest
  • Hiding information that should not be hidden
  • Acting disloyally/not keeping promise or meeting obligation
  • Revealing information that should be kept confidential
  • Taking unfair advantage of others, i.e., manipulation, coercion, capitalizing on weaknesses (e.g., children)
  • Committing personal decadence
  • Perpetrating interpersonal abuse
  • Permitting organizational abuse
  • Violating rule
  • Denying justice or fairness
  • Condoning unethical actions
  • Balancing ethical obligations

Identify the key stakeholders and explain how they would view this situation.

Use your "moral imagination" to generate at least two potential alternatives to address the problem.

Explain the implications of these alternatives relative to all 3 frameworks:

The Utilitarian View (the greatest good for the greatest number)

The Deontological View (duties/responsibilities, rights and principles)

Virtue Ethics (implications for personal integrity and character)

Offer a solution to the problem and defend it as being sound from both an ethical and business perspective. This solution can be one of the alternatives you identified or a combination of parts of them.

Note - Total 600 words and use MLA format.

Reference no: EM132383854

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10/8/2019 11:15:27 PM

Note – Total 600 words and Formatting - use MLA format, including: Do NOT use a separate title page, Font must be 12-point, Times New Roman or Cambria, Lines must be double-spaced, Spacing for a new paragraph should be the same as between lines - a double line space. Indent to denote the beginning of new paragraphs. Top/bottom margins may be no greater than 1". Left/right margins may be no greater than 1.25".

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