Identify social impact issues for the company

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133292210


Create a company (or select an existing company) and design the following for your company's CSR framework.

  • Identify social impact issues for the company. For example, what social impacts is the aiming for?
  • Highlight the plan for implementation of CSR.
  • Align with 3 SDGs.

Reference no: EM133292210

Questions Cloud

Description of the microbreweries : Write a brief description of the microbreweries (communities, location, hours of operation, price range, menu/food options and type).
How personal and workplace factors are interrelated : Describe how personal and workplace factors are interrelated and give an example of how this might impact on your wellbeing.
How could piero negotiate the remaining items : How could Piero negotiate the remaining items that are salvaged from the loss? Include the benefits of selling the property salvaged from loss back to Eliza.
What is the effect of pandemic in the business : What is the effect of pandemic in the business; small, medium, big. Site some examples/situations to justify the effect from each stated business.
Identify social impact issues for the company : Identify social impact issues for the company. For example, what social impacts is the aiming for? Highlight the plan for implementation of CSR.
Define international business : Explain how you define international business and your unique idea for a product, service, or solution that you can expand to one country globally.
Explore the latest trends in accounting software : "Accounting software is a computer program that assists bookkeepers and accountants in recording and reporting a firm's financial transactions.
Challenges-opportunities of family-owned businesses : In your opinion, what are some challenges and opportunities of family-owned businesses?
Case international strategies of multinational corporations : Provide at least two (2) examples/case studies of international strategies of multinational corporations in China, India and Indonesia that have failed.


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