Identify six strengths in Rainbow Illusion system

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Reference no: EM132358775 , Length: word count:2500

Strategic Information Systems for Business and Enterprise Assignment - Case Study - Rainbow Illusion

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) - Students are required to:

  • Describe the various transaction cycles, financial reporting, management reporting systems and e-commerce.
  • Understand the risks inherent in computer-based systems/ERP, including e-commerce, the role of ethics and the various internal control processes that need to be in place.
  • Appreciate the opportunities for computer fraud and the security measures in electronic commerce that need to be taken to overcome this.

Assignment Specifications -

Background - Rainbow Illusion is a 30-store retail chain concentrated in New South Wales and Victoria that sells ready-to-wear clothes for young females. Each store has a full-time manager and an assistant man-ager, both of whom are paid a salary. The cashiers and sales personnel are typically young people working part-time who are paid an hourly wage plus a commission based on sales volume. The company uses unsophisticated cash registers with four-part sales invoices to record each transaction. These sales invoices are used regardless of the payment type (cash, cheque, or bankcard).

On the sales floor, the salesperson manually records his or her employee number and the transaction (clothes, class, description, quantity, and unit price), totals the sales invoice, calculates the discount when appropriate, calculates the sales tax, and pre- pares the grand total. The salesperson then gives the sales invoice to the cashier, retaining one copy in the sales book.

The cashier reviews the invoice and inputs the sale. The cash register mechanically validates the invoice, automatically assigning a consecutive number to the transaction. The cashier is also responsible for getting credit approval on charge sales and approving sales paid by cheque. The cashier gives one copy of the invoice to the customer and retains the second copy as a store copy and the third for a bankcard, if a deposit is needed. Returns are handled in exactly the reverse manner, with the cashier issuing a return slip.

At the end of each day, the cashier sequentially orders the sales invoices and takes cash register totals for cash, bankcard, cheque sales, and cash and credit card returns. These totals are reconciled by the assistant manager to the cash register tapes, the total of the consecutively numbered sales invoices, and the return slips. The assistant manager prepares a daily reconciliation report for the store manager's review.

The manager reviews cash, cheque, and credit card sales and then prepares the daily bank deposit (credit card sales invoices are included in the deposit). The manager makes the deposit at the bank and files the validated deposit slip.

The cash register tapes, sales invoices, and return slips are forwarded daily to the central data processing department at corporate headquarters for processing. The data processing department returns a weekly sales and commission activity report to the manager for review.

Required - Prepare a report to Chief Executive Officer of Rainbow Illusion to evaluate its processes, risks and internal controls for its revenue cycle. In your report, you need to include the following items:

  • Identify six strengths in Rainbow Illusion's system for controlling sales transactions.
  • For each strength identified, explain what problem(s) Rainbow Illusion has avoided by incorporating the strength in the system for controlling sales transactions.
  • Identify two situational pressures in a company like Rainbow Illusion that would increase the likelihood of fraud.
  • Explain why some companies would choose to install a distributed computer system rather than a centralised one.

Assignment Structure - The report should include the following components:

  • Assignment cover page clearly stating your name and student number
  • A table of contents, executive summary
  • A brief introduction or overview of what the report is about.
  • Body of the report with sections to answer the above issues and with appropriate section headings
  • Conclusion
  • List of references

The report should be grounded on relevant literature and all references must be properly cited and included in the reference list.

Reference no: EM132358775

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Word limit - Not more than 2,500 words. Submission Guidelines - All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page. The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers. Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style. The report should be grounded on relevant literature and all references must be properly cited and included in the reference list.


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Marking criteria - Strengths in Rainbow Illusion’s system for controlling sales transactions 6%, Problems that Rainbow Illusion has avoided by incorporating the strength in the system for controlling sales transactions 6%, Situational pressures that would increase the likelihood of fraud 2%, Reasons for companies to install a distributed computer system rather than a centralised one 2%, Presentation 2% and Research quality 2%.


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Marking Rubric - Present an excellent discussion of strengths in Rainbow Illusion’s system with supporting evidences from the case. Correctly identify all problems that Rainbow Illusion has avoided with supporting evidences from the case. Present an excellent discussion of situational pressures that would increase the likelihood of fraud. Present an excellent discussion of reasons for installing a distributed computer system instead of a centralised one. Report included all elements and was very well presented. Writing flowed clearly and sections were linked very effectively. Referencing was exemplary. English was used very effectively and was error-free. An extensive amount of high-quality evidence from peer-reviewed journal articles and other sources was included and used effectively to support discussion.

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