Identify several stories to illustrate these differentiators

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131305867

This activity gives you the opportunity to apply the lessons you have learned about marketing to the very important context of effectively differentiating yourself on the job market. To accomplish this, you will need to:

1) decide on your 2-3 main differentiators;

2) figure out how to emphasize this story on your resume;

3) make these same themes "pop" on your LinkedIn profile; and

4) identify several stories to illustrate these differentiators during an interview.

Here's a breakdown of how to approach the self-marketing plan:

Your first paragraph should briefly introduce where you would like to work when you finish at your university(1 sentence) and the main characteristics, experiences, or approaches that set you apart from other job candidates (2-3 sentences).

Your second paragraph should address, as specifically as possible, what you will do emphasize these themes on the resume you would provide to prospective employers. You should address 3 actions you plan to take (4-5 sentences).

Your third paragraph should discuss in detail what you will do to emphasize your differentiators on your LinkedIn profile.

You should address 3 actions you plan to take (4-5 sentences).

Your fourth paragraph should briefly introduce 2 stories that you would share at an interview to provide evidence of what makes you different (no more than two sentences per story, 4-5 sentences total).

Your self-marketing plan should be no more than 2 pages long (1.5 line spaced, normal margins, 12Pt Times New Roman Font). It should also reflect professional writing expectations including proper spelling, proper grammar, clear word choice and phrasing, straightforward language, short and simple sentences, and no contractions.

Reference no: EM131305867

Questions Cloud

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