Reference no: EM133757570
Assignemnt Description
How to complete the assessment
Before you begin, watch the Assessment 2 video and read the description of the task carefully to ensure that you understand what is required. If you have any questions, contact your tutor/course coordinator.
The assignment is to be presented as a narrated PowerPoint Presentation (8 mins). The assessment comprises two parts:
PART A: Development of a poster to address the national priority health issue identified in Assessment 1 for a specific population group in Singleton. (Slide 1)
PART B: Presentation of the poster that discusses how the poster addresses the health issue for the specific population group in Singleton and considers the nurse's role in health promotion with reference to the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion. (Slide 2 & 3)
Remember to refer to the marking rubric to ensure that you have addressed all the criteria.
1. Identify the national health priority for Singleton discussed in assignment 1.
2. Select a specific population group in Singleton that is most affected by the identified health issue. Examples of specific populations may include but are not limited to: adolescents, pregnant women, older people, low-income families, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, etc.
3. Design a poster using PowerPoint (Slide 1) that addresses the identified national health priority for the specific population. The poster should include:
o Relevant, evidence-based information and engaging graphics that clearly convey the message of the poster.
o The health issue and its impact on the selected population in Singleton
o The health promotion message and evidenced based strategies to improve health outcomes for the population in Singleton
o Health promotion resources and services available for the population in Singleton
4. Record a narration for the poster that discusses how the poster addresses the health issue for the population in Singleton and considers the nurse's role in health promotion with reference to the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion. The presentation should include the following elements:
o Introduction of the national health priority and specific population (Slide 1)
o Explanation of how the poster addresses the health issue and promotes health for the specific population in Singleton (Slide 1)
o A summary of the health promotion resources and services available for the population in Singleton (Slide 1)
o A discussion on the role of the nurse in health promotion, referencing the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, and the strategies of advocate, mediate, and enable (Slide 2)
o Conclusion and recommendations for future health promotion activities (Slide 3)
o Reference List (Slide 4)
You must reference any sources cited using the APA 7th ed.
Assessment 2
In this assessment, you will design a health promotion poster using PowerPoint to address the national health priority identified for Singleton from assessment 1. Then you will present the poster in a narrated PowerPoint presentation that considers and explains the nurse's role in health promotion and the Ottawa Charter for Health promotion.
Task Aims
The main aim of this assessment task is to help you to consolidate and demonstrate your understanding of how the elements you have been studying throughout the course can be brought together to address a national priority health issue using health promotion activities.
Professional Relevance
Promoting health and wellness is an important component of nursing practice and is a key role of the Registered Nurse (Stanley, 2021). Nurses work with individuals and communities to develop and deliver intervention strategies that aim to improve and or sustain health (McMurray and Clendon 2023).
Course Objectives
The assignment addresses the following course objectives:
1. Understand health promotion, public health and community practice.
2. Explain the principles of population health and epidemiology including the concepts of prevalence and incidence, morbidity and mortality, prevention and treatment and cost.
3. Explore how health promotion addresses the national health priorities
4. Identify selected health promotion and practice activities across the lifespan using contemporary models of primary health care to enhance health and wellbeing outcomes
5. Assess a persons health promotion needs acknowledging the influence of values, beliefs, culture and diversity.
6. Demonstrate how the social determinants of health impact health and wellbeing outcomes of diverse groups.