Reference no: EM132257784
Objective: This is an individual assignment aimed to give students an experience to use SAP ERP system, customize and configure company requirements within ERP system. Identify SAP best practices and apply it into ERP system.
Learning Outcomes covered:
1. Configure Org Structure in SAP ERP Application.
2. Maintain Master Records.
3. Manage items using Inventory Management in ERP Application.
4. Identify SAP best practices in Supply Chain management.
Task 1:
Submit a work proposal for this assignment by the end of week 9th which must include:
a) Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables.
b) General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution to task2. a, task2.b, task
2. C, task 2. e, etc.
c) Timeline for completion of each individual task.
The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle. The proposal can also include draft answers.
Task 2:
a. Customize designed ORG Structure in SAP ERP System. Write in details the steps of ORG Structure customizations.
b. With the increasing demand of the SCMIS systems various ERPs are now integrating it as a key feature. Over the years many such ERPs have become popular and favorited by organizations across the globe.
Identify any three SCM supported ERP systems and critically analyze their features to support the functions in Logistics department.
Detailed analysis should be presented by the student. Reference can be taken from case studies and real life scenarios. No of words can be limited to 2500 for this task.
c. Creating the following in ERP system by considering the given details:
• Material Master Record.
• Supplier Master Record.
• Purchase Order.
• Goods Receipt.
• Invoice Verification
Proper referencing should be done and in-text citation should be given in the document.
*Note: Marks for whole assignment will depend on the viva voce. No marks will be awarded for assignment without viva voce.
Follow the guidelines mentioned below for your assignment.
• Assignment documentation/report should be typed.
• Assignment documentation/report should be uploaded in Moodle and will undergo plagiarism detection test through Turnitin (a plagiarism detection tool)
• A screenshots should be taken for those questions solved by SAP ERP System.
• Handwritten assignments will not be accepted
• Assignment should have a Title Page. Title Page should contain the following information.
– Assignment Name
– Session
– Student name
– Student ID
• It should have Table of Contents
• Use page numbers
• Assignment should be typed in your own words using Times New Roman font size 12.
• Heading should be with Font Size 14, Bold, Underline
• Use Diagrams and Examples to explain your topic.
• Copy paste from the Internet is strictly not acceptable.
• Reference should be included in the last page as follows
– Author name, Book Title, Publisher, Year in case of books
– In case of web site references type the full path of the web page with referenced date
– In case of magazines/ periodicals type article name, magazine name, Issue Number and date.