Identify risks associated with employees

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM133416224


Using the business and Risk Management Template from Module 1 brainstorm employment risk.? Using the list of risks you identified, perform a risk severity analysis and a risk response plan.

This part of the assignment will take approximately 1.5 hours to complete.

You will be assessed on your achievement of the following course learning outcomes:

Identify risks associated with employees.

Identify key clauses you may wish to include in your contracts.

Develop strategies to mitigate legal risk


Reference no: EM133416224

Questions Cloud

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Identify risks associated with employees : Risk Management Template from Module 1 brainstorm employment risk.? Using the list of risks you identified, perform a risk severity analysis.
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Connection between respectability politics and linked fate : How do the authors of the week nine required reading, understand the connection between respectability politics and linked fate?


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