Reference no: EM133357375
Question: Education Unit Design Project: Students will research and design a unit for teaching a topic related to the course content appropriate (Predynastic Egypt, Dynastic Egypt, Mesopotamia, etc) to a chosen level of primary or secondary education. 100 points possible. Due in class on Friday, March 24th. Write the work up as a lesson plan, with an executive summary on the first page covering the whole assignment, and on subsequent pages:
Page 2: The level of schooling for which you have designed the unit.
Justification of the unit content by the Arizona K-12 standards for that grade. How much class time needs to be devoted to the lesson.
Page 3: Identify readings of appropriate level and length for the unit (giving full bibliographic and/or access information). Explain why they were chosen and, if appropriate, provide on an additional page an excerpt demonstrating your reason for choosing them.
Page 4: Specify a hands-on, in-class activity related to the topic. Provide the instructions you will give to students for this activity and, if appropriate, provide an additional page with illustration of items related to the activity.
Page 5: Identify the intended learning outcomes for students in the class, specifying which part of the lesson will provide that learning opportunity.
Page 6: Explain how the outcomes will be assessed in student work. If in an exam, provide sample questions. If in a writing assignment, provide the assignment prompt. If in other ways, explain.