Reference no: EM132474791 , Length: 1500 Words
Assignment - Final Paper
The final assignment is designed to help you gain the skills necessary to effectively justify a particular behavioral intervention using an appropriate theory or combination of theories. You will take the first steps in utilizing the scientific literature surrounding a specific health problem in a specific population to select the "best" theory or combination of theories with which to develop a plan for designing an effective intervention. Please use any theories from the entire semester. In this paper (4-5 pages excluding references, single-spaced) you will use the scientific literature to concisely provide the following:
1. Identify a public health problem and its suspected risk factors. This section should include your target population and setting (e.g., school, community, worksite)
2. Why this problem is important and why it is important to intervene now.
3. What types of interventions have been done?
Based on a thorough review of the literature focused on interventions for this problem over the last decade, which theory(ies) or theoretical constructs have been used and which 3-5 demonstrate efficacy or effectiveness. Please create a table for this portion of the paper and include 5 headings: Authors/date, Population, Type of study design, Constructs used, Outcomes. The table is not included in the page count and should be included after your reference page as Table 1.
4. Based on your findings from above, discuss what theory(ies) you propose to use as you plan your intervention
5. Explain your intervention strategy(ies) and justify how they are based on theoretical constructs.
6. Are there any ethical concerns about your strategy(ies)?
Please note that the focus of this assignment is not on the program planning process, but the evaluation of the literature and justification for utilizing particular theoretical constructs.