Identify program vision and organisation mission and values

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM133215261


To provide you with an opportunity to identify program vision, and organisation mission and values.

This activity will not require observation.

1. In approximately define the term program vision.

2. In approximately explain what is meant by organisational mission and values.

3. In approximately , explain the purpose of a strategic plan.

Reference no: EM133215261

Questions Cloud

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Identify program vision and organisation mission and values : To provide you with an opportunity to identify program vision, and organisation mission and values.
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Daeveloping country growth : Class, imagine you oversee a developing country's growth and have been approached by a multinational corporation interested in locating in your country.
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How to assist relevant stakeholders to develop : To provide you with an opportunity to identify how to assist relevant stakeholders to develop and sustain the documented program vision.


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