Reference no: EM132737115
Assignment: Instructions: Human Services Professionals are charged with understanding client needs at individual levels and much more complex levels. Addressing client needs involves being able to understand the resources that are available as well. Though we work independently and under supervision, we work in concert with our colleagues and with other programs and services within the community. Utilizing diverse skillsets allow an agency/organization to offer a broader and more adaptable range of products and services. Diverse teams are more productive, perform better, and provide the opportunity for continued education and professional growth.
For the Module 05 Written assignment, you are going to develop a three-page paper in which you will address the following four steps:
Step 1: Identify two different client populations. Examples of client populations are as such:
• Clients Identifying as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered,
• Clients with a Physical Impairment
• Clients with Mental Health Diagnosis(es)
• Clients who are Elderly
• Children and Adolescents
• Clients Identifying with an Ethnic Group
• Clients Identifying with a Religious or Spiritual Group
Step 2: With the two client populations that you have indicated, identify 3-5 primary needs associated with many persons with this population.
Step 3: Develop a hypothetical scenario for both populations that you have chosen. Be certain that you provide specifics into the problem with both hypothetical scenarios.
Step 4: Identify specific community-based resources that assist with addressing the primary needs of the two client populations and the problems associated with the scenarios that you have developed. Conduct a search of local resources within your local community and national resources and provide detailed commentary specific to these identified resources.
APA Requirement: Please ensure that you meet the page length requirement and that your paper is double-spaced throughout. Also, please ensure that you have cited all facts throughout your work with parenthetical in-text citations and that you have a Reference Page at the end of your work.