Identify performance problems

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Reference no: EM132600187

SITXHRM006 - Monitor staff performance

Case study

Learner assessment guide and evidence
This assessment requires you to monitor staff performance, provide supportive feedback and guidance for improving performance conduct, and conduct a performance appraisal, formal counselling and training session.

You are required to do the following.

• Complete all tasks in Scenarios 1, 2 and 3 in Case study D
• Read the scenarios and answer the questions.
• You are to provide answers to each of the questions in a separate document using MS Word or similar word processing tools. Your document should be professionally formatted with question retyped and answered,
• You must answer all questions satisfactorily to achieve competency in the unit. The extent of responses required will vary by question.
• Your answers should be in your own words, not copied or plagiarised from any person or source except where appropriate such as a definition, in which cases you should reference the source.

Scenario 1
You are Sophie's manager. Recently, you received feedback from other members of the team that her attitude toward customers is below organisational service standards. One team member described her as slow to offer assistance, unhelpful when she does and quick to pass the customer on to someone else if they require anything more than basic products or services.

Task 1: Monitor performance
Q1: What are service standards?
Q2: Where are an organisation's expected service standards formally documented?
Q3: You decide to monitor Sophie's performance over the next week to determine the validity of the feedback and identify any performance issues.
What techniques will you use to monitor her performance in the workplace?
Q4: List and explain the five steps involved in assessing and managing underperformance through informal feedback and coaching.
• Step 1: Actual performance
• Step 2: Identify the performance gap
• Step 3: Clarify expected performance
• Step 4: Performance development
• Step 5: Follow up

Task 2: Identify performance problems
You observed Sophie for one week and noted the following about her performance.
- Sophie has good communication skills and a friendly personality.
- She interacts well with other team members and is happy to offer assistance when they are completing lengthy or complex tasks.
- She handles customer enquiries and requests for most basic services quickly and competently.
- She asks for assistance from other team members if customer enquiries or requests for anything not normally offered by the business is a variation of existing products or services or requires her to make a decision.
- She always asks another team member to assist customers who are requesting a refund or complaining about products or services.

Q1: Based on your observations and staff feedback, what area(s) of underperformance have you identified?
Q2: What do you think are potential reasons for Sophie's inability to meet performance standards in her job role?
Q3: How are you going to investigate these potential reasons to determine the actual cause?
Q4: Indicate when (e.g., time of day, before, during, after shift), where (e.g., in work area, in private, in formal/informal meeting) and the format you are going to use (e.g., formal/informal, discussion, counselling, meeting) to discuss your performance concerns with Sophie.
Q5: Describe how you are going to communicate your observations and concerns about her performance to Sophie. Write what you would say to her. Remember, you should be giving positive and constructive feedback as well as discussing performance concerns.

Task 3: Investigate performance problems
You conduct an informal counselling session with Sophie. When asked about why she doesn't perform specific tasks she responds with the following information.

- She doesn't know all the organisation's products and services and their variations.
- She is unsure of her level of authority when handling customer complaints. She is unsure what she is allowed to offer them as compensation.
- She doesn't know the correct procedure for processing a refund of the register terminal.

Investigation of her employment records shows she completed the organisation's induction program but her work area induction was incomplete due to staff shortages at the time. She has been working for the organisation for four months.

Q1: How are you going to address these issues? Describe the options available to you to assist Sophie and address the performance problems.
Q2: You decide to offer Sophie on-the-job coaching. What should you discuss and obtain from Sophie before organising coaching sessions?
Q3: What do you need to organise before you can commence the coaching sessions?

Q4: What are the five steps you are going to follow when demonstrating tasks to Sophie in the coaching session?
• Step 1
• Step 2
• Step 3
• Step 4
• Step 5
Q5: Other than coaching, how else can you inform Sophie of expected standards of performance for her job role, the team or the organisation?

Task 4: Provide coaching
• You are required to participate in a role-play to deliver coaching to a colleague.
• The role-play should deliver coaching to address one of the performance issues identified in Tasks 2 and 3.

• The following resources are required to complete the role-play.
• A real or simulated work area in which to deliver coaching.
• All equipment and other resources required to deliver the coaching session based on the topic of delivery, for example, furniture, fittings, electronic equipment such as registers, products being sold, marketing or other materials required to provide information or service, organisational documentation required to complete role-play task such as dockets, refund or complaint forms.
• Organisational policies and procedures relevant to the role-play topic, for example, refund procedures, customer complaint policy and complaint handling procedures. Workplace or training organisation policies and procedures can be used.

Learner instructions
• You are delivering coaching to Sophie in the workplace to address a performance issue identified in Tasks 2 and 3.
• Read your workplace or training environment's policies and procedures relevant to the coaching session topic prior to commencing the role-play.
• During the role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge.
• Conduct a training session in line with established organisational procedures.
• Use feedback and coaching to address performance problems.
• Provide effective feedback and coaching to a team member.
• Conduct the role-play.

Task 5: Follow-up coaching and counselling
Q1: You need to follow up the outcomes of Sophie's coaching session. What techniques do you use to evaluate the outcomes of the informal counselling and coaching sessions?
Q2: What information do you record about Sophie's performance issue and its resolution?
Q3: Where would you record this information and why do you record it?
Q4: What techniques do you use in the weeks after coaching is completed to ensure Sophie applies her new skills and knowledge successfully?
Q5: Sophie has successfully incorporated her new skills and knowledge into her everyday tasks and is now meeting individual performance standards. How do you acknowledge her achievement and encourage her to continue to strive for excellence?

Scenario 2
Mason has worked for the business for two years. Until recently, he has always met performance expectations.

For the last month his punctuality and appearance has been steadily declining and he no longer meets organisational dress code standards for grooming and uniform. Feedback from team members is he is often distracted, on his phone sending text messages and is absent from the work area for periods of time. He has taken four sick leave days in the last month. Until then he had only taken two days of sick leave in the last two years.

Mason's poor performance is affecting the team. They are struggling to maintain customer service standards and meet deadlines. Members of the team are becoming frustrated with his attitude and level of contribution. He is often short-tempered and quite abrupt when responding to questions from other team members. Your observations are supported by feedback from team members. Three customers have written negative feedback about Mason in customer satisfaction forms.

Task 1: Identify performance problems

Q1: Based on scenario information, what area(s) of underperformance have you identified?
Q2: What do you think are potential reasons for Mason's inability to meet performance standards now when he has achieved them consistently in the past?
Q3: You have decided to hold a formal counselling session with Mason. What are two things you should investigate before meeting with Mason?
Q4: How do you conduct a formal counselling session? List three things that are included in a formal session.
Task 2: Conduct a formal counselling session
• You are required to participate in a role-play to conduct a formal counselling session with a colleague.
• The role-play should use structured counselling to address the performance issues identified in Task 1.
• The following resources are required to complete the role-play.
• A real or simulated work area in which to deliver the formal counselling, such as an office or meeting room.
• Organisational policies and procedures relevant to the role-play topic, for example, human resource procedures for formal counselling and the organisation's code of conduct and dress code. Workplace or training organisation policies and procedures can be used.

Learner instructions
• You are conducting a formal counselling session with Mason to address performance issues identified in Task 1.
• Read the information provided in Scenario 2 to assist you during your counselling session.
• Read your workplace or training environment's policies and procedures relevant to the delivery of formal counselling prior to commencing the role-play.
• During the role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge.
• Conduct a formal counselling session when needed according to organisational procedures.
• Provide effective feedback and counselling to a team member.
• Evaluate factors contributing to poor staff performance.
• Discuss and agree on possible solutions with the team member.
• Document the main topics discussed during the counselling session and any solutions agreed upon between you and Mason. These notes will help you complete Task 3.
• Conduct the role-play.
Task 3: Document outcomes
• Use the Counselling summary template to complete Task 3.
• Complete the HR record by documenting the details and agreed outcomes of your formal counselling session with Mason.

Task 4: Follow up counselling
Q1: You need to follow up the outcomes of Mason's counselling session. How can you evaluate if the actions taken as a result of the formal counselling session have had a positive effect on Mason and the team?
Q2: Where would you file the completed counselling summary? Why?

Scenario 3
Kris is one member of a team responsible for stock control within the organisation. He places orders for products and services, receives and checks deliveries, conducts stock takes of storage areas and provides product costs to outlet or customer service managers.

He has worked for the organisation for five years and you are about to complete his annual performance appraisal.

Kris is a good, reliable employee who knows his job role well. Feedback from his direct supervisor indicates he completes his assigned tasks every day but never takes on additional work without being specifically requested to. If it is a quiet day, he will go and chat to other staff members rather than show initiative and ask what other tasks can be done.

In the last six months, errors have started to appear in his work. Several delivery forms have been incorrectly completed and incorrect orders placed for larger than required quantities on at least five occasions that you know of. You have copies of delivery dockets and order forms Kris has completed to support your observations and the supervisor's feedback. These inaccuracies have led to increased wastage as poor quality stock has been accepted when it should have been rejected. Kris was provided guidance and offered assistance when they were first identified but he rejected all assistance, saying they were one-off occurrences.
Task 1: Prepare for performance appraisal
• Read Scenario 3 the information provided to assist in completing Task 1.

Q1: Kris has worked for the organisation for some time. How would expected standards of performance be communicated to Kris during this period?
Q2: What is the role of a performance appraisal system in an organisation?
3: You are preparing for the appraisal. Briefly explain the steps you follow during the preparation process.
• Step 1
• Step 2
• Step 3
Q4: Prior to the formal appraisal, Kris is asked to complete a self-appraisal. What is a self-appraisal?
Q5: Your organisation uses a graphic rating scale as their appraisal method. Briefly explain this method.
Q6: You need to give Kris formal notification of the appraisal session. How much notice do you give him, what do you tell him and how do you send the notification?
Q7: Where should the meeting be held?
Q8: What sort of evidence of employee performance do you gather prior to conducting the appraisal?
Q9: What are five examples of things you plan to discuss and evaluate with Kris during the meeting?
Q10: How can you ensure the appraisal process is fair and avoid rating bias?
Q11: What are five techniques you should use when communicating with Kris in the appraisal meeting?
Task 2: Conduct a performance appraisal
• You are required to participate in a role-play to conduct a formal performance appraisal with a colleague.
• The role-play should use formal performance appraisal processes to address any performance issues or identify and acknowledge good performance.
• The following resources are required to complete the role-play.
• A real or simulated work area in which to conduct the formal performance appraisal, such as an office or meeting room.
• Organisational performance appraisal policies and procedures. Workplace or training organisation policies and procedures can be used.
Learner instructions
• You are conducting a formal performance appraisal with Kris. It is part of the organisation's performance management system. It is his annual review.
• Read the information provided to assist you during your appraisal session.
• Read your workplace or training environment's policies and procedures relevant to the delivery of formal performance appraisals prior to commencing the role-play, if required.
• During the role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge.
• Conduct a formal performance appraisal session openly and fairly according to organisational procedures.
• Provide effective feedback and counselling to a team member.
• Evaluate factors contributing to poor staff performance (if applicable).
• Discuss and agree on possible solutions or professional development with the team member.
• Complete performance management records
• Document the topics discussed during the performance appraisal and any actions, training or development agreed upon between you and Kris. These notes will help you complete Task 3.
• You may complete Task 3 in conjunction with Task 2 if desired.
• Conduct the role-play.

Task 3: Document outcomes
• Use the blank performance appraisal template below to complete Task 3.
• Complete the performance appraisal form by documenting the details and agreed outcomes of your formal counselling session with Kris.
• The performance appraisal form can be completed while conducting the role-play in Task 2.
Task 4: Grievance procedures
Kris is unhappy with the outcomes of his performance appraisal. He feels it wasn't fair and that the appraiser was biased. He also thinks the supervisor gave negative feedback about his performance to cover up their own poor performance.

Q1: What is the process if Kris wants to submit a grievance?

Reference no: EM132600187

Questions Cloud

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What is the purpose of a performance improvement plan : What is the relationship between SOPs and performance management - List five topics that could be included in a code of conduct policy that help set
Find the gain on sale of investment in bonds on November : On June 1,2016, ABC Corporation purchased as a long-term investment 4,000 of the P1,000 face value, Find the gain on sale of investment in bonds on November
Identify performance problems : Identify performance problems - What do you think are potential reasons for Sophie's inability to meet performance standards in her job role?
What do you think makes good customer service : What are three customer service criteria you can incorporate into the selection criteria to ensure their attitude and experience is the right fit for the job?
What is the total revenue reported by Running Treadmills : RTI's year end is December 31. What is the total revenue reported by Running Treadmills in the month of January for this sale
What are two key factors that affect pay rates in an award : What are two key factors that affect pay rates in an award - What tasks do you have to complete in preparation for when selection processes commence
How much is the income tax due for the fiscal year : A domestic corporation has the following data for the fiscal year starting June 1, 2016 and ending May 31, 2017: How much is the income tax due for fiscal year


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