Identify partnerships needed to create-produce the product

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133611257


COMPANY - Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI)

In narrative format, continue the narrative begun in Assignment 1. Expand on the information about each "element" by stating the bullet point, then writing several sentences that expand on the point with specifics and facts. Use a header in bold before each section: Key Activities, Key Resources, Key Partners, Cost Structure and Revenue Streams.

Key Activities

Key Activities are all the things the company must do to develop and create the product or service. This often includes activities related to: staffing, content development/production, distribution, marketing/promotion, advertising sales, sponsorship, customer service, and more. The other elements flow from Key Activities.

Key Resources

Provide detail on the resources needed to do the Key Activities. Resources can be of four types: physical (equipment, hardware, offices, infrastructure, etc.); intellectual property (rights to content - movies, records, tv shows, etc.); human (artists, players, engineers, designers, administrative staff, etc); and financial (capital).

Key Partners

Identify the partnerships needed to create/produce the product, distribute the product, to finance it and to serve customers. What are the company's main suppliers, distributors, sponsors, etc. Note: partners are not the corporate owner but may serve as a separate division with the company (e.g. Theme Parks are a partner for Disney Studios).

Cost Structure

Identify the major costs and expenses required to produce and create the product line, to distribute the product and to market it. A good approach is to look at the key activities and key resources and determine if there is a cost. If the company pays for rights, look for articles about those payments. Check out the income statement in the Investor section of the corporate website, if available, for costs and revenues. For sports teams, check out information in Forbes and other sources. List specific figures if you can find them.

Revenue Streams

Provide detail on how the company/product generates revenue. Are there multiple revenue streams from multiple products or services? Has the income increased or decreased over the past three to five years and if so, why? List specific figures and try to interpret them.

NOTE: Cite sources in short form for facts included in the paper.


This is the most heavily weighted and important part of this assignment. Based on your research in all the nine elements, evaluate whether the company/product line has a solid business model both for its customers and financially. Use business facts about revenues or costs to make your case. Are there business issues that the company should address that are holding it back?

This is an important part of the analysis and should be based on financial facts. Don't just say "I like the product so I think it must be a great business model." Sometimes a business can be popular with fans/customers, but not make a profit. Therefore, it is critical to check out an income statement.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For this conclusion, please remember that for a business model to be successful, the business must generate a profit today or have strong prospects for generating profits into the future. There are multiple places that you can explore to obtain this financial information, so please don't be intimidated or hesitant to explore one or more of the following:

a.) Investor Relations: One example is the investor relations section of the company website. From this section, you can review the annual report of the company. Make sure to look at "Operating Income".

b.) Financial Websites: There are many, but an easy-to-use website is Yahoo Finance. Use the search bar to find the company. Then click on the "Financials" link to find the row called "Operating Income". If this is negative, then the company is not earning a profit. If you still believe the business model is good then you will need to make a good case as to why this will turn around. Turnarounds are always possible, but there should be some logic to your expectations.

Reference no: EM133611257

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